Supplier and Supply Chain Risk Fuels Application Shielding Innovation

30 Entrepreneurial technology companies demonstrate growing adoption of Application Shielding controls to meet client Regulatory and Compliance obligations.

PreEmptive Solutions announced today significant expansion and innovation in the adoption and implementation of Application Shielding controls among its entrepreneurial technology clients – especially those targeting highly regulated markets.

Application Shielding is evolving from an enterprise-class security control to a saleable app feature
Application Shielding, a form of application security, encompasses anti-tampering and hardening capabilities such as anti-debugging, anti-emulation and obfuscation. Already recognized as an enterprise application control, smaller application vendors are embracing these controls, not to secure their own interests, but to meet regulatory and compliance obligations of their target markets, e.g. financial service, healthcare, etc. As Application Shielding becomes more mainstream within enterprises, it is also emerging as a product feature used to differentiate supplier application offerings.

Regulatory and Compliance obligations emphasize supplier and supply chain risk
Recent examples of enhanced supplier and supply chain obligations include GDPR (2018), PCI Secure Software Requirements and Assessment Procedures (2019), California’s IoT Security Bill (2020), and the FDA’s Cybersecurity for Medical Devices (DRAFT). Each attaches special importance to the role of applications – and, by extension, application development practices – in securing data, enforcing privacy, and preserving operational integrity and resilience.

Enterprises are responding to these new supply chain risk management requirements by updating vendor viability controls to include relevant application development and quality criteria and it is the smaller and more agile entrepreneurial organizations that are the first to adapt to these emerging enterprise requirements.

PreEmptive Solutions Entrepreneur Program Highlights
61 percent of PreEmptive Solutions’ 30 most recent Entrepreneur clients identify real-time controls such as anti-tamper and rooted device defense as a market requirement versus a control intended primarily to secure their own Intellectual Property.

Launched in 2014, the PreEmptive Solutions Entrepreneur Program recognizes the unique challenge that high technology start-up firms face: limited financial resources combined with a disproportionately critical need to secure their Intellectual Property. Entrepreneur Program partners have the same access to our enterprise application security technology and support but at a substantially reduced subscription rate.

Today, there are over 500 Entrepreneur Partner companies. However, over the past six months, there has been a significant shift in priorities from Intellectual Property protection to data protection and compliance. Start-up companies are prioritizing Application Shielding – and in particular anti-tamper, anti-debug, and other real-time controls – in order to meet market demands versus protecting their own IP security interests.

“Our entrepreneurial users are as diverse as they are innovative,” said Gabriel Torok, CEO of PreEmptive Solutions. “Yet they all share one critical trait. They are all building software for highly regulated industries who are, in turn, increasingly holding their suppliers (who are our users) to their own governance, quality and privacy standards.”

The 30 most recent Independent Software Vendors accepted into PreEmptive Solutions Entrepreneurial Program over the past four months (listed below) are targeting the following highly regulated industries:

Financial Services 38%
Healthcare 15%
Government 13%
Manufacturing 13%
Education 12%
Engineering/Construction 9%
Energy, Games, ISV, Telephony & Transportation 3% each

Market-driven use cases drive Application Shielding Innovation
“One of the most compelling capabilities of our real-time controls are their ability to inject application-specific, developer-authored logic,” said Sebastian Holst, Chief Strategy Officer at PreEmptive Solutions. “They get the best of both worlds; customized defense and response with the auditable and automated benefits of post-compile injection. There is simply no other Application Shielding solution with this combination of flexibility and secure DevOps,” Holst continued.

For information on the Entrepreneur Program, visit
For Information on PreEmptive Solutions’ products, visit

The thirty companies are from 18 countries and deploying to Android, iOS, cloud, and desktop – for both .NET and Java – with nine companies using Xamarin. The thirty companies include: ACTS BV, ApexSQL LLC, Avatar Partners, Inc, Bacca sp, B-logica, Edena Software, Fjorge, Fluid Sound, Hangzhou VisionRobot Technology, Hidalgo Limited, Icarus Feather Limited, ICTT Sytems-consulting, ITR, K.R. Moeller Associates, LeapYear Technologies, Mazamo Corp, NexTech Ltd, NoPassword, Outside Software, PC Drivers, playXmobile, Polliwog Corp, Prowess Inc, SignKeys, SNH MeisterSoft, Strategic Business Technologies, Tianjin YAC Technology, Trafi, VIM AEC, and VoiceIt Technologies.

About PreEmptive Solutions
PreEmptive Solutions is a trusted global leader of application shielding and hardening technologies for Desktop, Mobile, Cloud, and Internet of Things (IoT) applications. With thousands of corporate and enterprise clients and software on over 500,000 developer desktops, PreEmptive Solutions continues to be one of the leading and most trusted application and data security solutions providers.

Media Contact:

Erica Kurfis
[email protected]

Source: PreEmptive Solutions


Tags: Application Security, Application Shielding, Dotfuscator, GDPR, PCI, RSAC, Xamarin

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Trusted leader in application hardening and protection solutions for .NET, Java/Android and iOS apps #worthprotecting for over 5,000 clients in 100+ countries.

Erica Kurfis
Marketing Specialist, PreEmptive Solutions
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