Suralink Expands Support for Enterprise Clients With New Premium Offering That Includes Automation Rules and a Robust API

The Suralink Enterprise Solution fills a technology gap in the industry, allowing top firms and enterprise-level organizations to work more efficiently. It automates critical tasks required for enterprises to scale engagements seamlessly and comes standard with robust new features, including automation, API, and SSO.

​​​​​Suralink, the leader in request list and document management, today announced it has expanded support for enterprise-level clients with three new features: single sign-on, a robust API, and automation.

Today's software solutions simply aren't built for the largest accounting firms. Firms are forced to shoehorn existing technology into a structure that meets their needs or build their own homegrown solutions. This challenge is amplified when top firms must scale to effectively manage the hundreds or thousands of users, processes, and documents involved in client engagements.

"The tech industry has largely failed these top firms," says Tim Ballantyne, CEO and Founder of Suralink. "We knew we had to find a better way to support these organizations and the massive scale at which they operate. The answer was not a single feature, but in radically changing the way we approach these firms and creating a solution specifically for them. By providing a premium offering with features designed for enterprise-level implementations, we can now seamlessly support organizations of all sizes."

Suralink's Enterprise Solution fills the gap in the market by providing the largest accounting firms with the tools they need to complete more efficient and secure engagements at scale.

“When we onboard or offboard an employee, we currently have to provision or de-provision them in 30 different platforms," says Joshua Kirk, Director of IT at Smith & Howard. "It’s both a security and efficiency issue. With Suralink’s new API, we can automate user management and reduce the time required to onboard someone from hours to minutes. We’re excited about this addition to the Suralink platform and are looking forward to working with Suralink on other new products and integrations in the near future.”

"The ability for us to integrate our planning board, practice management system and PBC software through Suralink's API is huge, maximising best of breed applications through consistent data and process," says Phil Broadbery, Partner at PKF Littlejohn. "By offering an open, secure API, we can further knit together our systems, which means less duplication of effort, better consistency of process, and enhanced data quality."

The Suralink Enterprise Solution includes all the functionality of the Suralink platform plus:

Features and Benefits

  • Automation: Enables firms to automatically schedule and send engagement updates and delete old engagements.
  • API: Gives clients a way to seamlessly connect their internal systems with the Suralink platform through a number of secure endpoints.
  • SSO: Brings Suralink into firms' secure network environments using SAML2.0 and SCIM.

Suralink's Enterprise Solution is available now for all clients. For more information about the Suralink platform, visit

About Suralink

Suralink is the leader in request list and document management, helping businesses simplify the document exchange process while improving the client experience. The company's cloud-based application integrates a dynamic request list and assignment workflow solution with a secure file hosting platform to serve as a single location for client interaction. Suralink's technology, combined with its industry expertise, helps more than 330 clients in North America, the UK, and EMEA ensure security, simplicity, transparency, and accountability throughout the document exchange process.


Meghan Mitton​
Director, Marketing
[email protected]

Source: Suralink


Tags: accounting, API, audit, automation, enterprise software, request list management, SSO

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Suralink provides professional services firms with a single, secure platform to collaborate with clients, exchange documents at scale, and track the progress of engagements.