Surgeon Malpractice Insurance Broker Redesigns Website

Nexus Insurance Services, a professional liability insurance broker, just informed us that the company has a newly redesigned website. This new website allows visitors to download a free report

Nexus Insurance Services, a California-based surgeon malpractice insurance broker, has announced a new redesign of their website, This new website allows visitors to download a free report which shares insider information and informative tips about medical malpractice insurance including malpractice insurance for surgeons.

"One of our goals is to help all medical professionals lower their premiums on malpractice insurance," says Michael Kataf of Nexus Insurance Services. "Since surgeons are on the list of health care providers who have a high chance of being sued by patients, these professionals especially can benefit from our free report and save a great deal of money on surgeon malpractice insurance."

Besides malpractice insurance for surgeons, Nexus Insurance Services specializes in insurance for a variety of medical professionals including physicians, doctors, medical spa professionals, student doctors, and more.

"We believe that surgeon malpractice insurance coverage can ease the stress if surgeons are sued. Malpractice litigation is already stressful in itself, but not having the right amount of coverage to pay for legal costs can bring on even more worries. The report available via our new website also shares tips on how surgeons can help prevent a lawsuit," says Kataf.

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas reported that depression and career burnout were linked to surgeons who were sued for malpractice. In addition surgeons who experienced a recent lawsuit were likely to recommend a career in surgery to their friends or loved ones.

"The more health care providers we can reach with this free report, the better for all - even their patients," said Kataf.

About Nexus Insurance Services

Nexus Insurance Services is a professional insurance broker that has helped many doctors, lawyers, realtors, and business owners gain access to insurance providers for their practice or business. The company's mission is to be a firm that brings real value to clients, builds personal relationships on top of business ones, and always conducts itself with sincerity, integrity and fairness. Because of the relationships with many providers, the company is able to shop a client's application around to get the best rates. Contact Nexus Insurance for a free, no obligation quote for Ob/Gyn malpractice insurance or surgeon malpractice insurance. For more information, visit:


Tags: malpractice insurance, malpractice insurance cost, malpractice insurance rate

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Michael Kataf
Press Contact, Nexus Insurance Services
Nexus Insurance Services
15 Edelweiss
Rancho Santa Margarita
CA 92688
United States