Survey States That Anxiety Is On The Rise Relative To Financial Health And Debt
Online, July 28, 2010 ( - As the financial crash continues, people have become more and more stressed out and are having some mental health issues, states a landmark Gallup-Healthways survey. In general people are feeling more anxious about their financial situation. If you are someone who is under attack financially it is vital to gather all the information available about how to get out of debt and one place to get reliable data is at the Inspiration DNA Debt Busters site,
The editors of Inspiration DNA Debt Busters say: "A lot of individuals are failing to take advantage of a huge resource for getting out of debt and saving money. So they're having a hard time getting ahead and staying stressed out about money. We have released amazing PLR products that will help you protect your economic future, reduce debt, save you money and reduce your stress on July 27, 2010."
Among the spotlights of the poll:
•Stress took a huge jump over 2009, topping out in the fall and winter as the crash got worse, then climbing through February.
•Mental wellness plummeted and for the most declines in mental health for the poorest individuals was the largest jump.
• People have a hard time with economic news. Happiness plunged on days when the Dow took drops and with news of more lost jobs says the Gallup Poll.
The survey was a combined effort between Gallup and Healthways, a disease-management company.
The data from this survey should be used to realize the damaging effects of tension due to lack of economic security. It's been projected that 75 to 90 % of all visits to PCP doctors are for anxiety related troubles. Money anxiety is by far the leading source of pressure for adults, says Time Magazine.
Khai NG, copywriting and internet marketing authority says: "What if... you could save someone from financial ruin...Do you have any idea what that person will do for you? They will thank you for life. That is what it is like to position yourself as the go-to guy with all the right tools and techniques to help people bust
their debts!"
Truthfully anxiety is a health condition that merits attention. And if you are a like most people you recognize just how nerve-racking it can be when there is little to no money in the bank.
These days, in a deteriorating economy and overstressed culture, it is vital for people to use tools that will better their financial situation and as a result reduce stress. If you need info on; Inspiration DNA Debt Busters and ways that it can decrease stress as well as better your monetary situation, visit Inspiration DNA Debt Busters (
More information can be found online at
Tags: debt, earn cash, plr, save money