Swimsuit Season Dietary Plans - Fads or Fabulous?

The importance of doing proper research before choosing a diet plan is lost on some people. With the rising rates of obese people on a global scale, it is not tough to understand why someone might want to take such measures.

The Swimsuit Season

Many doctors, dieticians and nutritionists despise the summers. No, it is not because of the heat. It’s actually the promise of the swimsuit season along with the summers that causes the trouble. It is not even the swimsuits by themselves but the people wanting to look their best in their swimsuits. The need for validation, and to boost the self-image forces people to go after diets. The worst part is that these diets deprive them of what their body needs and mind demands. Many people who are aware about the best health habits disregard them in this season and go for intensive health workouts. This hectic exercise and food deprivation is additionally, done in an extremely hot weather – all for the promise of looking sexier in skimpier clothes. 

Why The Harm In These Fads?

Many of these misguided people do not evaluate the health risks of such decisions and end up causing permanent damage. Often such decisions make way for tedious heart ailments, like when people go on red meat rich diets. It is typically in the period of early June that people decide to go for such fads. January too has been noticed to be a period when people choose to take drastic measures to shed the pounds. A nutritionist from California has made these observations in her acclaimed book. Linda Bacon, the said nutritionist is of the opinion that people are wired to maintain a healthy weight. She alleges that they do not need to count or calories and indulge in needless fad diets. Then why do so many of them do the opposite?

People tend to choose different diet programs and fasts. Diets have been evolving over time with names like yo-yo diets, Fat Lush Diet, Paleo diet, hCG Drops for weight loss and so and so forth. People swear by Cleanses and such shortcuts without any idea of the impending harm that may be caused by these options. Yes, they should consider the alternative position also. Diets have been shown to work and sometimes with remarkable results. Atkins has been known to be a successful diet programme as well.

Yet, in some case dieting may not yield the best results. The importance of doing proper research before choosing a diet plan is lost on some people. With the rising rates of obese people on a global scale, it is not tough to understand why someone might want to take such measures. Before people jump on something such as the Cabbage Soup Plan, they ought to consider the issues mentioned below before thinking of getting into tiny bikini. Not paying heed could cause them some permanent damage.

Non-Reliance On Diets Based On False Facts

Many people believe that there is a necessity to flush toxins from your body by way of specific dietary plans. It is a widespread belief that the body needs external help to eliminate the waste that it generates. An example of such a diet is The Master Cleanse. Isadore Rosenfield, a cardiologist has stressed on the fact that this diet repeated indulgence in this diet plan can create major problems for the heart. Often it is not the diet plan that actually harms people but the repeated usage of such plans. This is so as most people who diet, tend to do so at particular times in the year. These are the times when they want to get into their swimsuits, typically in June and January.

Right after that time period is over they fall off the diet and in a few days regain that lost weight. This begins a cycle of losing and gaining weight. This phenomenon is especially harmful as it messes up their body’s cycle and pushes them towards heart damage.

The Real Harm By Repeated Diets

In the case of Master Cleanse, which is a plan where a solution of water is mixed with lemon juice, cayenne peppers and maple syrup (yes, surprisingly) is consumed for several days. This sort of a process can actually severely harm the consumer’s metabolism and ensure that they gain back the lost weight in no time at all. Their immune system is also at risk at times like these and problems like acute dehydration may surface. All of these things lead to major complications to their heart.

Heart muscle may be affected by continuous phases of dieting and leaving the diet and then coming back to it, yet again. A middle-aged shop owner in Connecticut, who when on a Master Cleanse suffered pre-heart attack symptoms. He kept his unhealthy habits a secret from his doctors and friends. Eventually he stopped and mended his ways, but only few people who realise the perils of their dieting practices and the dangers associated with them.

From Bad To Worse

Medical practitioners have always been wary of fad diets. The best example of about the worst can happen is The Last Chance Diet. This was developed by Robert Linn and has been touted as a wonder diet multiple times. The Food and Drug Administration recorded multiple deaths, among the people taking this famed liquid diet. Muscle atrophy was considered as the lethal factor in these cases. Some of these low calorific diets end up severely restricting a number of essential elements like magnesium and copper. Increasingly, blood sugar drop is also being related to the same.

The Learning From The Faults Of Many

It is always essential to do proper research and not take extreme measures. Even when people decide to go on a diet they ought to consider the pros and cons of their decisions. Repeated and fluctuating diets are the worst as they can severely affect people gravely. The right way out is to stick to a diet, reduce the weight and eat healthy after the weight drop, while working out to maintain that shape. Most people have been noted to get complacent after their weight loss. They go to Hawaii, have many beers and seafood, and gain all of that lost weight back. What good is dieting if they do not work towards maintaining their shape? If they decide to indulge in dieting, they ought to consult the right people, and more importantly believe in the wonder of exercise and a completely balanced diet. Remember, shortcuts can only take people to a limited distance; hard work is always the key to achieve what you seek. 


Tags: atkins diet, diet plans, hcg diet, how to lose weight, paleo diet, weight loss, weight loss diets

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