Synverse Global Expertise in Deployment & Support Services for Wimax Highlighted at ITU Telecom World in Geneva

Synverse innovative Telco Global Services and Solution capabilities aimed at helping new WIMAX and Mobile 4G operators to accelerate their launch of new services at the ITU Telecom World 2009 in Geneva, October 5th to 9th.

Synverse was able to showcase its innovative Telco Global Services and Solution capabilities aimed at helping new WIMAX and Mobile 4G operators to accelerate their launch of new services at the ITU Telecom World 2009 in Geneva, October 5th to 9th.

The Forum and Show was attended by government, regulatory and service provider executives from around the World and Synverse was able to exhibit in the UK Pavilion with the support of UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) and the sponsorship of Intellect.

Michael Knuckey, Synverse Director of Business Development was upbeat about the connections he made at the Show "There was a strong representation of senior executives from the Middle East and Africa who are looking for the implementation and deployment support services we provide to speed up the time to market of new mobile broadband/Wimax services. East Africa is benefiting from the newly launched high-capacity underwater SEACOM fibre links to India and Europe. Synverse looks forward to supporting the launches with skilled expertise in telecoms and Wimax space along with our Accelerator project methodology."

At the ITU Show the Wimax Forum announced that over 510 Wimax broadband networks have now been established aided by the increasing availability of Wimax-enabled handsets and laptops.

Synverse based in Maidenhead, UK provides business consulting, systems integration, CRM, BSS & OSS integration and implementation, outsourced testing, web portal development and Cloud Computing (SaaS) consulting services to leading telecoms service providers across Europe, Middle East and Africa.

To find out more about the full range of services please visit their website at or for more details, please contact us +44 1628 421 827 or write to us at [email protected]


Tags: BSS, Cloud, CRM, Global Expertise, implementation, new mobile broadband, OSS integration, outsourced testing, SEACOM fibre links, Solution capabilities, Systems Integration, UK provides business consulting, UK Trade, web portal development, Wimax Forum, Wimax services

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