T.V.A. Tru-Virtual Assistance- All Your Office Needs Taken Care Of Without The Overhead Of Employees

Hi, my name is Trudy, I have a wonderful husband and 4 boys, 2 of which are in wheelchairs. I started T.V.A. Tru-Virtual Assistance so I could be home more for my wonderful family and to help the small business owner with their overhead cost.

What is a Virtual Assistant(VA)? A Virtual Assistant helps out business with their office needs in administration, creativity and technical support if needed, and all this from their homes, saving businesses money because they are paying only for time spent on your project.

Many small business hire full-time employees, but do not have enough work to keep them busy 9 to 5, so many times they are paying their employees to sit around with nothing to do but wait for the phone to ring. I work from home and take on their administrative work, or any other work that they may need help with.

Here are some of the services T.V.A provides: Email management- business can get a lot of unwanted email, this can be time consuming to go through. Digital transcription- letters/memos/quotes and so on. Internet research- We can search the internet for relevant information and even compile a database from it or write up an article on it, depending one what the business requires. Even just searching for that hard to find part or product to finish that job or project. Other services are proofreading, word processing, small event or travel plans. Right now I am working on a dance tour across Canada.

With a Virtual Assistant you are only paying for the work that they actually do. You also have no extra overhead with a VA, you do not have to pay taxes, vacation pay, statutory pay or any other benefits you pay for a full time employee. I have my own office, so I am not taking up space in yours, you do not have to supply me with any equipment, I have it all. We conduct all your business needs via fax, email, Dropbox and phone, so it just takes you a few minutes out of your day to get the work to me that needs to be done. The same for receiving your completed projects...it just takes a minute out of your day getting them back.

T.V.A. Tru-Virtual Assistance offers administrative work such as data processing, internet research, proofreading, word processing, spreadsheets, writing and so on. As well as administrative work, I can help you with creative needs, travel plans and even personal shopping/errands if needed. You tell me what you need and I will accommodate you.


Tags: administrative, databases, Internet Research, letters, memo's, proofreading, transcription, word processing, writing

About T.V.A. Tru-Virtual Assistance

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Trudy A Del Brocco
Press Contact, T.V.A. Tru-Virtual Assistance