Take The Great Dad Challenge: Become The Father You Always Wanted To Be!

How to Be A Great Dad offers dads (and moms) a 15-day challenge to get inspired, reenergized, and empowered to achieve a close, meaningful and fulfilling relationship with their kids.

Need help becoming a great dad? According to author Keith Zafren, there are three core fathering skills you need to become an exceptional dad which he shares in his latest book How To Be A Great Dad: No Matter What Kind Of Father You Had (Peak Communications and Publishing). Zafren states "The three core skills of great fathering are affirmation, acceptance and affection. If you follow these three core practices, and remember to have a sense of humor and a deep well of patience you will master what it takes to meet the challenge of fatherhood."

No doubt about it, becoming a father is a wonderful thing and no two fathers or their parenting styles are exactly alike. The way many men father is a unique reflection of their own personalities, and external and internal cues, including how they themselves were raised. Millions of fathers share feelings of inadequacy and feel they will mess up, and ultimately fail both themselves and their children. Many men have experienced poor and inadequate role models, are crippled by their past, and feel destined to repeat the same mistakes that their own father's made. This book will help men become the father they long to be, and their children desperately need them to be.

Children need both structure and nurturing, and it's an insightful father who knows how to balance the two. Chapters on building self-esteem, celebrating milestones, and why a hug from dad might be one of the most important tools in the dad toolbox provide a roadmap to fathering done right.

How to Be A Great Dad also explores a man's relationship with his father, and teaches readers to break destructive patterns from their own childhood, change the dialogue, heal, and become the dad they wished their father had been. The book gives intuitive yet practical advice. According to Jennifer Read Hawthorne, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul ® "should be gifted to each new father as he leaves the hospital"


Tags: 15 day challenge, dad, family, father, How To Be A Great Dad, parenting, The Great Dads project, Zafren

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