Talk On Introduction To Mobility Icapes
Online, November 17, 2011 ( - iCAPES (P) Ltd organized an event with a talk on Introduction to Mobillity presented by an expert on the Android Platform on 6th of November 2011.
Mobility being the next big thing and how Android has participated in it were few of the hot topics of this talk.
The session was a lot more interactive than just any other talk. There were also discussions on the different layers of the Android Stack, the ways of making money in the Android world. He also shared his work experience in these areas.
When questioned as to what the next big thing would be when it comes to App, the Expert replied with just a word "TELEVISION" and also spoke about its role in Android's Future.
The talk concluded with advantages of mobile computing along with an overview of the android platform.
This talk was one of a kind @ iCAPES that left an impact on everyone who attended it. "We will host many more such talks on the upcoming Niche Technologies." said Mr. Pyan Chellavadivoo, president of iCAPES, also appreciating the effort put by Management Team.
It was a light moment and a great opportunity for all those who were able to make it to the event for being able to meet such good speaker, understand the concepts of this Niche Technology in a better and easier way.
Tags: Android, Bangalore, iCAPES