Tall Oaks Reintroduces INDUSTRIAL WATER TREATMENT Magazine

Tall Oaks Publishing has resumed publication of INDUSTRIAL WATER TREATMENT magazine. The January/February issue focuses on the topic of Produced Water Treatment. The bi-monthly can be viewed at www.IWTmagazine.com.

Produced water is one of the growing water business opportunities. The January/February issue of INDUSTRIAL WATER TREATMENT (IWT) magazine covers this important subject with three technical articles that examine the treatment of water associated with the oil and gas industry. The magazine issue marks the reintroduction of IWT, which was also published in the 1990s by Tall Oaks Publishing.

The newest issue includes several timely articles on produced water. One article by Chris Catalanotto reviews the use of walnut shell filters to treat water after oil and suspended solids removal by technologies such as hydrocyclones, API separators, and skimmers.

The Marcellus Shale Region in the Northeast United States is one of the most active areas for oil and gas exploration, and the use of hydrofracking. Another article in the January/February issue examines water management technologies used in states like Ohio and Pennsylvania.

A third article by Don Downey reviews the use of seawater to regenerate cation ion-exchange resin that may be used in specialty oil and gas operations. One example is an oil recovery plant in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, where the use of this water treatment technology was tested, using seawater to clean the ion exchange resins.

A fourth article by columnist William Harfst reviews the use of water, and treatment concerns in a modern oil refinery. The issue also includes a focus on BWA Water Additives, and CEO David Cartmell.

The new issue is available at http://www.IWTmagazine.com where site visitors must simply click on the magazine's cover in order to read it.

IWT publisher Tall Oaks Publishing also publishes ULTRAPURE WATER journal. Each publication comes out six times yearly.

Additionally, Tall Oaks Publishing offers an extensive listing of industrial and high-purity water treatment books through its on-line bookstore. A complete listing of books and CDs offered is available at http://www.talloaks.com/ZENCART/. The web site also offers details about Premier Subscriptions to INDUSTRIAL WATER TREATMENT and ULTRAPURE WATER. Information about advertising is available by calling 303/973-6700, or by emailing [email protected].


Tags: Flowback Water, Industrial Water, Oil and Gas, oil exploration, petrochemical, Produced water, wastewater

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Mike Henley, editor