Tampa Criminal Lawyer Obtains Not Guilty Verdict in Hernando County Drug Case

Prominent Tampa Lawyer, Joe Caimano, ends 2009 on a high note. After a persuasive legal battle, he Caimano obtains a favorable verdict for his client, a man charged for trafficking in narcotics.

In 2007 and 2008, deputies from the Hernando County Sheriff's Office began an investigation into what was touted to be the largest cocaine and ecstasy organization in Central Florida. Four suspects were arrested based on the investigation and three received extensive prison sentences. Bobby Walter, Dontay Washington, and Brock Shade were found guilty and given Prison sentences of 20 years or more.

Marcus Fields, alleged to be the ringleader of the organization, was charged with two separate Trafficking cases but was represented by Tampa criminal defense lawyer Joe Caimano. Mr. Fields turned down the State's 15 year prison offer and elected to go to jury trial on his cases.

At the first trafficking in cocaine trial, Mr. Caimano argued that the facts did not prove Mr. Fields assisted in the cocaine trafficking and was able to obtain a jury verdict of not guilty for his client. As Mr. Caimano and the prosecutor were preparing to pick the jury on Mr. Fields' final case, the State offered to allow Mr. Fields to serve less than a year in county jail and reduce the charge.

Caimano told the St. Petersburg Times that he was "upset that [Fields' case] got this far...but we asked the jury to listen to the evidence, set aside their prejudices and they did that. We're pretty satisfied with the result."

The Caimano Law Firm, P.A. has represented such cases at the federal and state level for approximately one decade. Joe Caimano is Florida Bar Certified in Criminal Law. To find out more about the cases represented by this firm, please visit:



Tags: Tampa Criminal Defense, Tampa Criminal Defense Attorney, Tampa Criminal Defense Lawyer

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501 E. Jackson St. Suite 308
Tampa, FL 33602