Teachers & Librarians Find Best Buys in Online Education From Public Universities: GetEducated.com

Most affordable online education master's degrees for teachers and librarians come from public universities, says GetEducated.com. Despite rising costs, 27 Best Buys in graduate education & library science found for under $10,000; 94 under $16,00.

Teachers and librarians seeking online master's degrees should look first at public universities. A new online college affordability survey by GetEducated.com finds 27 high-quality, low-cost online degrees in education and library science for under $10,000.

GetEducated.com ranks and rates online college programs for credibility and affordability. The distance education group analyzed tuition and fees at 101 regionally accredited universities offering 313 online master's degrees to find Best Buys.

Educators and librarians will find regionally accredited online master's degrees from $5,600 to $41,000 (average cost: $15,714). The top 27 are under $10,000-and all are issued by public, nonprofit schools. GetEducated lists 94 degrees under $16K.

GetEducated.com's previous survey of online master's degrees in education and library science found costs ranging from $3,294 to $32,850. The increase from 2005 to 2009 shows how much higher education prices have soared.

Today's most affordable online graduate degree in education can be found at Appalachian State University, where North Carolina residents can earn a master's in educational media for $5,535. (Non-resident rate: $23,922.)

The University of Wyoming offers the least expensive distance learning degrees for both in-state and out-of-state educators: a master of science in education/instructional technology and a master of arts in education/adult and post-secondary education. Both degrees cost about $7,000.

The most expensive online master's in education ($38,870) and in library science ($41,175) came from Drexel University, a private school in Pennsylvania.

Complete results are available at GetEducated.com [http://www.geteducated.com/online-college-ratings-and-rankings/best-buy-lists/best-buy-online-masters-of-education].


Tags: best buys in online education, cheapest online degrees, distance education, distance learning, elearning, Online Degrees, online education, online master's in education, online master's in library scien

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