TEAM International Increases Exposure to European IT Market

TEAM International increases exposure to the European IT Market by working closely with the top industry resource Outsource Magazine.

Since its launch in 2005 Outsource magazine has been a market-leading independent publication dedicated to the outsourcing industry, giving buyers, vendors and advisors the very best information at the right time. Outsource magazine provides the news, analysis and insight that keeps outsourcing professionals informed about the key events and developing trends from around the globe and across the outsourcing space. Outsource Magazine is proud to be the official partner magazine of the UK's National Outsourcing Association (NOA) and partners with organizations including the IAOP, SSON, MarketForce, Gartner, UBM, Global Sourcing and more.

To enhance its industry presence TEAM International partners with the Outsourcing Magazine. Advertising in their on-line, print and digital editions TEAM is actively utilizing other channels reach throughout the industry. Check TEAM's ad in the autumn edition of Outsource Magazine as well as in the online edition at

"...Our relationship with Outsource magazine will continue increasing our brand name recognition and market reach in IT industry as a leading custom IT solutions organization..." - Joe Chiovarou, TEAM international VP Business Development.


Tags: Custom Application Development, IT market, Mobile/SmartPhone Development, QA, SaaS/Cloud Computing, team international, testing

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Oksana Basmanova
Press Contact, TEAM International
TEAM International
950 Market Promenade Avenue, Suite 2201
Lake Mary, FL 32746
United States