Press Release
Jul 18, 2011
Online, July 18, 2011 (
During one of the worst recessions in history, The Winmark Group has grown over 500% in the last three years offering over 2,000 people the opportunity to grow with them and prosper.
At the current rate of expansion, the direct marketing group will be able to provide new jobs in every state in the country by 2013. This explosive growth will enable the company to utilize its services to increase consumer awareness and product usage in other contracts ranging from deregulated utility services (i.e.-Electricity) to vehicle protection plans.
When Winmark Energy arrives in a new town it's not just the utility bills they expect to go down... it's the unemployment percentage. With sales offices all over the country, Cincinnati is the newest addition to this thriving company, with 200 sales jobs available for this summer.
"We have deployed a training team from our Baltimore, MD office to help with getting our new Ohio recruits up to speed" announced Brad Reynolds, Principal Officer of Winmark. "Working with Direct Energy and Duke gives us the power to change lives, lower Electric and Gas bills and provide a solid career to those who may have lost hope ." Brad was excited to inform us.
Winmark Energy is a subsidiary of The Winmark Group of Companies, based in Roseville, CA. During one of the worst recessions in history, The Winmark Group has grown over 500% in the last three years offering over 2,000 people the opportunity to grow with them and prosper.
"We turn down more contracts each year than we actually keep." reported Freddie Mills Jr, CEO of Winmark. "If our reps cannot be given the opportunity to earn at least $200.00 per day, we refuse the contract. Healthy pay partnered with a solid customer friendly product is our recipe for success and Duke Energy has the perfect ingredients!"
The Winmark Group of Companies, is based in Roseville, CA.