TELES VoIPBOX GSM brings FMC hub functionality to SMEs
Online, April 1, 2010 ( - TELES, the Berlin based Next Generation Networks and Access Gateway vendor, has advanced its range of successful gateways with new telephony interfaces and expanded features. The enhanced VoIPBOX GSM gateway represents a highly flexible and fully FMC and Unified Communications compatible solution for integrating home and mobile workers into a softPBX or legacy PBX system.
Apart from its use as backup to existing infrastructure or as a landline replacement alternative, the entry-level VoIPBOX GSM is also ideally suited to small businesses seeking to expand the functionality of their legacy PBX, or, combined with a softPBX, as a complete ready-to-go PBX system.
TELES CTO, Frank Paetsch, was keen to point out some of the unique advantages of the VoIPBOX: "We have envisaged a number of potential application scenarios for the VoIPBOX GSM. For small enterprises with a legacy PBX, the gateway can be utilized as an FMC hub add-on. This will bring an expansive range of connectivity to mobile devices to the PBX whilst taking advantage of VoIP connectivity and retaining standard TDM connectivity. For enterprises with an even smaller number of users, the gateway can be combined with a softPBX allowing mobile and home office workers to be brought into the telephony loop."
The VoIPBOX GSM also helps enterprises to reduce telephony costs by eliminating the expense of international calls placed from mobile phones by delivering Call Through and Call Back dialing, utilizing VoIP infrastructure. The comparatively small device also means a huge reduction in the amount of hardware required, thus saving on power, space, and cost requirements, helping to contribute to an enterprise's economic and environmental savings.
TELES VoIPBOX GSM supports 2 or 4 GSM channels, various telephony options, as well as VoIP (H.323 and SIP). GPRS, fax via VoIP, callback, and direct dial-in are additionally supported. The VoIPBOX GSM features an integrated SIP server, provides toll-grade voice compression and T.38 fax support, e-mail to SMS conversion, and is provided with an intuitive installation wizard for increased productivity. Thanks to its sophisticated but simple to operate management interface, the VoIPBOX GSM can be installed and implemented immediately, enabling an enterprise to have a functioning PBX ready to make calls within minutes.
Tags: CDMA, Mobile, NGN, SiP, smartphone, Softswitch, UC, UMTS, unified communications, voip