Television Frenzies Gives Back to Their Local Community Children's Hospital
Online, September 9, 2010 ( - Television Frenzies is giving back. We are conducting a Silly Bandz Trading Day Fundraiser on October 2, 2010 from 10:00am until 1:00pm. This event will take place at Mayfair Mall, and proceeds with be donated to the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin.
You may be asking yourself, why is TV Frenzies doing this. We say, why not? Purposeful and meaningful events like this that will lead to substantial donations for a Children's Hospital truly make me tremble inside. It makes me think of the all-powerful lyrics from the world famous song, The Greatest Love of All. Here at Television Frenzies, we know what the "Greatest Love of All" is. We whole-heartedly believe the children are our future. We believe we should teach them well, keep them well, and let them lead the way. We need to show them all the beauty they possess inside and we need to give them a sense of pride to make it easier. Their laughter will make everything easier for everyone. The smile and happiness of a healthy child is a heart-warming gift for everyone.
If you want to be a part of this and if you want to give back to make the life of a sick child easier and better, then you need to come join us and be a part of this event. By the word of mouth and your attendance, you can help make this event a success. Your participation may help inspire other companies to become more socially responsible for their local community as well.
Just think about how you'll actually be helping children of your local community; children that your kids, grandkids, nieces, and nephews may even be friends with or go to school with. Now, we all give back to St. Jude's Children's Hospital. It's impossible to turn down buying the St. Jude's bear during the holidays, or say, "No," to donating $1.00 when you buy food from McDonald's or Domino's, This is all wonderful and we believe you should keep doing all you can, but we urge you to help your local Children's' Hospital of Wisconsin as well. None of us like to think of the bad things that happen in life, but one day you or your family may very well need the help and support of your community and this hospital.
Please see below for details of the Silly Bandz Trading Day event. I'm going to thank you advance for joining us for such a noble cause because I have faith that you've already decided to attend.
Every Kid Attending will receive COMPLIMENTARY Silly Bandz.
Television Frenzies will also donate .50 cents for every pack of bandz sold for the entire day to the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin.
Fuzzoodles Creativity Contest
Winner Most Creative Fuzzoodles Character: Receives a $50 gift card to Television Frenzies.
Second Place: Receives their very own Fuzzoodles DRTV Kit
Yo Baby Kick Flipper Contest
Winner Best Trick: Receives a $50 Gift Card to Television Frenzies.
Second Place Receives their very own Kick Flipper.
We will auction off a Television Frenzies Basket, retail value over $250
Tags: as seen on tv, Children's Hospital, tv frenzies