Tembari Children Care NGO For Poor Children

THE Tembari Children's Care (TCC) Inc is a day care facility at ATS Oro Settlement, 7-Mile, outside of Port Moresby, PNG. To date, it takes care of more than 200 former street children - orphans, abandoned and the unfortunate - by serving them meals

We are very proud of what we have achieved since we opened in 2003. There are 183 children associated with the TCC as of when this page was written, and the number is growing! 83 children are attending local schools, where we pay for their school fees, and 100 pre-schoolers are having regular lessons - forming the crucial foundation for their future education. 5 pre-schoolers have graduated from our pre-school and are now in grades 5 and 6.

We are also well on our way in completing our latest project: a 60 sq. metre building that will act as a multi-purpose hall/classroom. The project will cost K50,000 (US $22,500) and will be our major fundraising focus for 2012.

We have also taken steps to create a clean and hygienic environment for the children at TCC by building a toilet and installing water tanks for a clean and reliable water supply. We have also arranged for the centre to receive regular electricity. These amenities, considered rudimentary in much of the developed world, are necessary for every human to live an empowered and dignified life.

Our Sustainability Project has also been a success. By financing people from local communities to undertake different vocations, we are helping empower them to become community leaders, take care of their family's needs, contribute a small portion of their income to the TCC children, as well as impart vocational training and expertise to some of the older TCC children.

Yet despite all we have done so far, there is much need for continuity and further expansion of our projects in order to help even more children in Papua New Guinea

Tembari Projects

Improving Childrens lives and education.

At Tembari Children Care, we aim to offer the best possible care for our 183 children. This includes basic necessities such as shelter, 2 meals a day, health care, education, and a sense of belonging. With these objectives, we particularly emphasize the need for each child to receive the best possible education.

We have had recent success with the start of our Saturday tutoring program.

The centre focuses its efforts on education, partly because sophisticated pedagogy is a major step in helping people become good and productive members of a society.


Tags: child Health Care Project, Papua New Guinea, Phillips Academy Andover, Tembari NGO

About Tembari Children Care

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Rishabh Bhandari
Press Contact, Tembari Children Care
Tembari Children Care
Tembari Children's Care Inc
Oro Village, 7 Mile
Saint Helena