Tempus-Rex BlackBerry Time Tracking now available in French
Online, June 10, 2010 (Newswire.com) - This is the first step in expanding language support for the Global Market; other languages will follow in the near future.
T-Rex captures phone calls, e-mails, calendar items or other activities that flow through the BlackBerry device and immediately converts them to valuable time on the Data Management Site. T-Rex integrates seamlessly with all Blackberry functions without requiring professionals to change how they work. All captured time is tracked, managed and archived securely at the Data Management site located at www.tempus-rex.com.
T-Rex uses the proven TimeKMâ„¢ Mobile Engine currently installed on over 18,000 BlackBerry units worldwide. T-Rex was designed by service professionals for service professionals. The T-Rex application is fully customizable, matching the unique work habits of busy professionals to ensure ultimate productivity and increased revenues
For more information, and to download an immediate, no hassle free trial of Tempus-Rex in either English or French please visit http://www.tempus-rex.com and start capturing time that could have been lost forever.
Tags: bill, billing, Blackberry, capture, credibility, credible, increase revenue, lawyer, Mobile, productivity, professional services, reporting, revenue, smartphone, time, track, Tracking, transparent