Ten Years Celebrating The European Seal Of E-Excellence

The European Seal of e-Excellence will celebrate its 10th anniversary at the CeBIT award ceremony in 2012.

Since 2003, the European Seal of e-Excellence rewards ICT and Digital Media companies with an excellent track record in innovation marketing. The Seal is widely known for distinguishing companies with innovative products & services and outstanding marketing.

Margaretha Mazura, Secretary General of EMF states: "Europe is full of small, creative companies and interesting offers - the only problem is: not many know about them. 2012 is a special year for the Seal: It is its 10 th anniversary. In the short-
living times of ICT, this is an achievement we are proud of. The Seal is increasingly gaining recognition and becoming a major focal point for Europe's most successful digital media companies. Therefore, those who have not yet applied and won a Seal of e-Excellence, I can only say: try and join our community of excellence!".

Sponsors and Partnership

During the last 10 years the Seal has been supported by different worldwide associations and sponsors, creating an impressive network of ICT stakeholders.

Current Partner Organisations are located in Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Ukraine.

The Seal of e-Excellence Award Ceremony takes place each year at CeBIT, the key ICT fair in Europe and worldwide.

Thanks to the support of Deutsche Messe and the CeBIT, the award ceremony guarantees the maximum visibility for the winners.


In the Seal trajectory more than 350 companies have been awarded with the Seal "platinum", "gold", and "silver" awards. The winners have incorporated the Seal as part of their ongoing marketing programmes, helping to promote themselves in the global market place.

Applications for 2012 are now open until 31 December 2011.

Apply now online: http://www.seal-of-excellence.org


Tags: award, digital media, European Seal of e-Excellence, excellence, ICT, innovation, marketing, new technologies

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