Terna's Notizie tra le linee interviews Norberto Patrignani

Computer Ethics expert, Associate Lecturer Politecnico di Torino and Catholic University of Milan.

Terna web magazine "Notizie tra le linee" keeps on interviewing notorious persons on their relationship with energy. This time the magazine review "Eye on Energy" had the chance to share some questions with Norberto Patrignani, a famous Italian Computer Ethics expert also Associate Lecturer for Politecnico di Torino and Catholic University of Milan.

- What is electricity for you?
- For me, as a computer expert, it is the fundamental tool of all the information infrastructure.

- Do you think mankind could live without it?
- No, I don't think so, at least for several centuries.

- Is it an unlimited source or should it be used sparingly?
- It should be used carefully. By properly exploiting renewable energy sources we can have a long future ahead of us.

- Could you define yourself as an energy saver?
- Definitely. I use public transportation, ride a bicycle and always try to use low energy lighting.

- For example, when you leave a room, do you always turn off the lights?
- Yes, almost always.

- Do you often leave electronic equipment on stand-by?
- No, I am very careful.

- What would you light up better in your city or in Italy?
- Squares, above all, since they are social places.

- What would you do to render high voltage pylons more user friendly?
- I am no expert on this topic, but I think techniques exist for building them underground. It would be a good solution.

- A suggestion for Terna.
- To continue focusing on the environment.


Tags: eye on energy, Norberto Patrignani, notizie tra le linee, terna, web magazine

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