Texas Business Turnaround Management Firm Launches A New Division And Website.

Z-Acquisition Group, a business turnaround management firm in Dallas, Texas, has launched a new division called The Revenue Turnaround Group.

The business turnaround management firm Z-Acquisition Group unveiled a new brand and website today. The new division, called The Revenue Turnaround Group, was created to better serve businesses having financial difficulty and that are in need of reorganization plans, business turnaround consulting, and other turnaround solutions. The new division will operate under the umbrella of Z-Acquisition Group. It will begin servicing all the existing clients and turnaround plans under management.

"A big portion of our business has always been business turnaround management and turnaround consulting," said Dennis Zedrick, CEO at Z-Acquisition Group. "I always felt that we lost a considerable amount of business because our parent company's name did not lead people to know that we offered specialty turnaround services.

"The Revenue Turnaround Group brand signifies what we offer that is dramatically different from many of the turnaround specialists out there. Namely, we help fix revenue issues. Obviously, we offer liability turnaround services, like creditor parties, asset liquidation, management and employee restructuring, and even Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization. However, what we can do that almost no other bankruptcy attorney or turnaround firm can do is fix a business's revenue problems.

"If the revenue side is not increasing or at least stabilized, you're just making the BK attorneys rich, because the business will fail, anyway," Zedrick deadpanned.

Businesses interested in learning more about the business turnaround management or business turnaround consulting services that the Revenue Turnaround Group offers should contact them at: http://www.revenueturnaround.com or call (214) 347-4239.


Tags: business turnaround management, Chapter 11 Bankrutpcy, reorganization plans, revenue turnaround group, specialty turnaround services, turnaround consulting, Z-Acquisition Group

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Jake Stewart
Press Contact, The Revenue Turnaround Group
The Revenue Turnaround Group
PO Box 797912
Dallas, TX