Texas Tech University Health Science Center at Abilene Officially Opens New Nursing Simulation Facility

Using nursing simulation training, learners at TTUHSC have the tools to grow into successful healthcare professionals

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) in Abilene, Texas officially opened their new simulation facility, showcasing the entire community's commitment to healthcare education. This $12 million nursing school began construction in November of 2011 and is located near Hendrick Medical Center. Classrooms, laboratories, and a large simulation center now occupy the space which has been described as a high tech, one-on-one learning environment for students.

According to TTUHSC President Tedd L. Mitchell, the center features 15 special training manikins, giving students the exciting opportunity to practice hands-on interaction and learn a variety of procedures in a safe environment. Students can now assess their mistakes in a controlled, simulated environment and acquire the skills necessary for working with actual patients.

Currently, 100 students are enrolled in the TTUHSC School of Nursing in Abilene. An estimated enrollment of an additional 104 students is anticipated by 2015.

Faculty at TTUHSC believe that training more nurses locally is vital to maintain the future of healthcare in the area: more nurses in Abilene mean a decreased shortage of nurses in the rural areas of Texas. Many TTUHSC nursing students have already found employment at Abilene Regional Medical Center, a trend that's only expected to grow.

This new center will thus contribute to the community and local economy as a whole. Residents of Abilene and its surrounding areas will now feel satisfied that skilled nurses are nearby.

Abilene has never had such an advanced venue for nursing simulation training as they do now. Incoming students will receive the best possible educational opportunities and the option to choose their avenue of education.

It is agreed that local healthcare facilities should be able to hire the most highly qualified nurses, especially those that have undergone simulation training. The Texas Tech University Health Science Center at Abilene nursing simulation center will allow them to do just that.


Tags: Abilene, Education Management Solutions, EMS, nursing, simulation, TTUHSC

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