The 2016 World Mayor Prize

The 2016 World Mayor Prize will be conferred to a mayor who has accepted the challenges posed by migration but are also convinced of its long-term benefits. The City Mayors Foundation, the organiser of the biennial World Mayor Project, states in a preamble that all the world's great cities have benefited from immigrants, whose perseverance in the face of hardship and often prejudice has created the civic societies that we value and enjoy today.

The 2016 World Mayor honours – the World Mayor Prize and the Commendations for the two runners-up – will be conferred to mayors who have accepted the challenges posed by migration but are also convinced of its long-term benefits. The City Mayors Foundation, the organiser of the biennial World Mayor Project, states in a preamble that all the world’s great cities have benefited from immigrants, whose perseverance in the face of hardship and often prejudice has created the civic societies that we value and enjoy today.

World Mayor is looking for mayors who have recognised that people, whatever their origin, status or background, are the greatest capital the world has to offer. This year’s Project will identify mayors whose cities have done the most to welcome immigrants and have used their skills to enrich and diversify society culturally, economically and socially.

The World Mayor Prize has been awarded since 2004. Previous winners include the mayors of Calgary, Bilbao, Mexico City, Cape Town, Melbourne, Athens and Tirana.

Paul Schiller, Fellow

At a time when, according to the UN Refugee Agency, some 60 million people worldwide have been forced to leave their homes, mayors to be considered for the World Mayor honours will need to have shown compassion, courage and competence. Compassion for people who have travelled great distances to find safety. Courage to fight prejudice even in the face of unpopularity. Competence to leverage the value and potential each person offers society. The World Mayor Project is now inviting individuals and organisations to nominate mayors who have demonstrated these qualities.

Participants in the 2016 World Mayor Project are asked to outline mayors’ qualities and detailing the success of their cities in integrating immigrants in the past and/or supporting more recent arrivals. They are also asked to provide examples of contributions made by immigrants and challenges faced and mastered by towns and cities.

The City Mayors Foundation has stressed that it will also consider a mayor for the World Mayor Prize whose community has shown exceptional resilience during the recent arrivals from disaster-torn regions of the world.

The World Mayor Prize has been awarded since 2004. Previous winners include the mayors of Calgary, Bilbao, Mexico City, Cape Town, Melbourne, Athens and Tirana.

Please let us know if you require further information. Thank you.

Tann vom Hove
Senior Fellow

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