The 21st Century Complete Guide to Harness Racing Is Finally Available on Amazon!

​Mark Gorge has published his long awaited book on Harness Racing. This is the first book that has been published in the past 20 years that covers Ownership and Betting on Harness Racing. The book will be welcomed by new fans as well as seasoned gamblers. It's a concise manual of proven methods developed with over 40 years of real successful experience. If you want to own a Standardbred Race horse this is the "How To" documentation you need. If you attend racing and like to make a bet you will benefit from reading this book. The 21st Century Complete Guide to Harness Racing is available in Kindle and paperback format at Mr. Gorge is also available for private consultations on matters related to racing and speaking engagements.

Source: Mark Gorge & Associates


Tags: Gambling, Harness Racing, Horse Betting, Race Horse Ownership, Standardbred