The 28th Confetti Shower Slated for Times Square Party-Goers

​​​​​​​For the 28th consecutive time, a blizzard of confetti will shimmer down to delight the New Year’s Eve party-goers on Times Square this year, and giving the signal to go-ahead is the ‘Confetti King’ himself, Treb Heining. His confetti flurries began in 1992 to enhance The Ball drop, and have since become a time-honored American tradition.​

Heining explains that his special effect is not a simple feat. There is art and expertise connected to dispersing mass flurries of confetti and there are different challenges every year. Planning requires months. Weather is involved. There are major security issues, and logistics. And, few people know that more than 100 notable volunteers, known as ‘confetti dispersal engineers’, are being strategically placed on rooftops in the Bow Tie of Times Square.

We’ll be doing things never done before and this year’s crew is the most diverse ever,” said Heining. “I’m honored to count among them celebrities, senior executives from Disney Parks and Universal Theme Parks, remarkable friends, and peers from all over the United States, including Hawaii; and from Shanghai, Beijing, and Tokyo in the Fast East. Regardless of their VIP status, each ‘dispersal engineer’ must pass a background check, and comply with my strict rules. The crew will forgo champagne toasts, for instance, but they also know they’ll have the best seats in the house, so every year there’s a waiting list of enthusiastic people eager to lend a helping hand and join in the fun.”​

Treb Heining is not only a wizard with confetti, he is best known as the world’s foremost balloon artist, having set world records, and staged balloon spectaculars at the Olympic Games, Super Bowls, and both political conventions. Although he will be perched above Times Square hidden from public view, on Dec. 31, 2019 at precisely 11:59 and 40 seconds, Heining will command the crew from his walkie-talkie to “GO CONFETTI!” “GO CONFETTI!” And, with that order, the exuberant New Year’s crowd will be showered with more than a ton of colorful and fluffy, custom-made confetti.

Lynn Clark Dorr​

Treb Heining 
direct: 949 637 3080

Source: Treb Heining


Tags: ball drop, Big Apple, Celebration, Confetti, New Years, New Years Eve, Party, Time Square