The African Network Interviews LifeStylz Gh

Many businesses popup on the internet claiming to be doing this and doing that, LifeSytlzGh is the real deal! This music and entertainment venue offers more than music. They're bringing notoriety to artist from Africa and doing great charitable work.

In our interview with the managing directory of LifeStylz Gh (LSG), we found out that this online company does more than profile musicians, artist and other entertainers. Managing Director JP Duplan is the brains behind this company with a great support staff based in the US and Ghana. LSG does more than music. They contribute annually to a great cause in Ghana, Mr. Duplan's country by supporting Ridge Regional Hospital NICU Premature child ward with monetary donations.

Here's a tid bit about the interview:
In December 2004, two cousins Jean-Pierre L. Duplan (JP) & Waleed F. Helwani had a vision. They saw an opportunity where their very own peers as well as fellow Ghanaians could make a mark for themselves within society. They noticed a trend amongst their peers, in the interest of establishing charitable foundations/organizations, music, clothing lines, events, article & editorial writing/publishing, and many other industries.

This is where the formulation of the concept of LSG began. It comprised of building/developing a website where all these achievements could be showcased, highlighted, promoted, and collected for easy reference with respect to the Ghanaian culture for both the young and old to appreciate. The idea for this opportunity took several months for development and implementation. However, on September 30, 2005, Waleed experienced a fatal motorcycle accident in Kumasi. His tragic death left JP with the dream the 2 cousins once shared.

Read the complete interview by visiting


Tags: AFNET,, eric amo, LifeStylz Gh, The African Network

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