The Airlines Have Been Ripping Us Off Says Fired Employee

Free Video Reveals No.1 Secret to Very Cheap Airline Tickets

Worcester, MA, USA - July 19th 2010
Airlines are now worried due to a leak of confidential information by an ex airline employee.

Tony Morrison, was fired after 16 years service of a major airline. The airline made the decision to fire Mr Morrison over a small issue.

After threatening his bosses of revealing all insider secrets, the airline tried to make amends but it was too late.

Now, Tony Morrison has gone all out and created a great website revealing some super industry secrets. His reveals how a normal everyday person can purchase very cheap airline tickets.

Generally, across all airlines, the airline staff have been instructed to squeeze as much money out of customers as possible.

To the customer, this would seem like good unbiased advice, but the truth of the matter is, even the nicest and cutest looking travel agent or sales staff have ulterior motives.

Upon completion of this guide, Tony received multiple threatening letters from major airline companies. Authorities from a number of major airlines have contacted his host on multiple occasions to try and forever ban this information from ever being released to the public!

Mr Morrison has experienced untold struggles with major airline authorities, as well as his own attorney in order to bring forth this explosive information at his website. His mission is to save us (the public) money. He has toiled every step, and has fought every obstacle to provide the public with the classified air savings information that airline companies are panicking about day!

Furthermore, Mr Morrison has been threatened with legal action, harassed with midnight phone calls; been begged and pleaded with; and when all else failed; they tried filing damage charges against him for releasing confidential secrets to the public.

Nevertheless, Mr Morrison has broken a career-long friendship with his boss in order to bring to this information to the public.

This information includes secrets such as:

• What's not on your ticket that airlines will never tell you
• How to knock $100 right off of your next ticket!
• Every truth there is about buying tickets online. Be warned: this truth might literally scare you!
• The secrets about the food airlines serve you during your flight that you'd never know!
• How to manipulate airline companies' ticket pricing computer systems to give you thousands of discounts on your ticket! Customers have been receiving a $1143 ticket for $143 by exploiting loopholes in their computer systems. That was something his boss still has nightmares about.
• Amazing secret on how you can earn free vouchers for airfare tickets just from making a phone call and knowing what to say to the agent. When Tony was an airline agent, he gave away many free vouchers from callers who knew the magic words. These words are revealed in his guide.

In addition to the above there are many many other (and better) secrets revealed in the very cheap airline tickets information which has been released to the public.

No doubt, this information will create a further uproar amongst the airlines and we, the public, will start to see some changes in the way airlines handle its customers.

There is more information about this cheap airfare business and it can be found at


Tags: airfare, Airline, budget travel, Cheap Airfare, cheap airline ticket, discount travel, holiday, travel, very cheap airline tickets

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