The American Dream Is Not a Sprint, or Even a Marathon, but a Running Trial

Quianna is an Austin-based campaign professional and writer. She is presently an intern with the Texas Democratic Party and has worked with amazing progressive Democratic candidates like James Nortey. Her paraprofessional experience is in criminal and constitutional law. When she's not on the campaign trail you can find her devoting her time family and volleyball, keeping up with political issues; catching up on Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder, and House of Cards. Running From Empty Shoes,

“It’s too late to turn around…” writer Quianna says, “…not without a box-office hit.” But when she arrived in Florida, her ideals are tested and the chance to captivate Universal Studio instantly “fades out.”

Her world is quickly changing; to do nothing is risky. With no income, nowhere to live and an impounded car, things couldn’t get worse, or could they? The sunshine states turns shadier as the character of honest policemen shatter and evaporate in the wake of a brutal and savage rape.

"What is needed, rather than running away or controlling or suppressing or any other resistance, is understanding fear; that means, watch it, learn about it, come directly into contact with it. We are to learn about fear, not how to escape from it." -Jiddu Krishnamurti

Quianna Canada, Campaign Profession

Is this Lucifer’s michievism? or a game of human-chess played by the Gods not yet understood? Now the nucleus of a frightening psychodrama, entangled as the patsy, hauled to jail, where does she turn? Who will believe her? Most importantly, with the vengeance in her heart, how will she restore her freedom while feuding against two powerful corrupters? She ran from the disparaging shoes of a fugue state, realizing her assailants may never be brought to justice. Barefooted, she runs with self-preservation into a towering era of persecution.


Tags: memoir, New York Times Best Seller, politics, pro se, Quianna S. Canada, Running From Empty Shoes, survival, writer