The Answer Of The Universe Is Now Available On Major Online Book Stores
Online, October 28, 2010 (
Vasz Books is the book publisher responsible for publishing, The Answer of the Universe, Creating an Ideal Life by Using the Law of Attraction by Dr. Felix Toran. The company is expanding quickly in its distribution of its first published book, partnering with company's such as major distributors like Ingram, Baker & Taylor and Amazon. Vasz Books is hoping to reach the millions of law of attraction fans and students on the subject very quickly. They believe that with time, the book will hit the books shelves soon, as of now the book can be order on Barnes and Nobles stores by requesting it at your local store.
The Answer of the Universe, is a book about the law of attraction, where Dr. Felix Toran puts his heart out by sharing and explaining the tools necessary in order to put this law to work. He doesn't hold back in any secrets, all 308 pages of the book are filled with valuable information on how to put the law of attraction to work. There is no doubt, Dr. Felix Toran has over delivered in his masterpiece. If there was ever a doubt in learning how to put the law of attraction to work, this book will clear those doubts and will show you how to put yourself into action and utilize the tools to achieve what you want out of life, but most important to become a happier human being.
Tags: how does the law of attraction w, how to make the law of attractio, law of attraction, laws of attraction, manifesting, meditation, quantum physics, Spiritual, the answer, the answer of the universe, the law of attraction book, the secret