The-Attorney-Network Is Proud To Announce Our Brand New "Debt Restructure" Model That Is COMPLIANT!
Online, February 1, 2011 ( - The-Attorney-Network is proud to announce our brand new "Debt Restructure" ( ) Model that is COMPLIANT to the New Federal Trade Commission & TSR Rulings for our Potential Clients, Pre existing Affiliates, and New Affiliate Companies. This is better than Debt Settlement!
The-Attorney-Network, offers our brand new Debt Restructuring Program where we help the consumer restructure their unsecured debt with no delays of waiting for the consumer to save monies in a trust account to negotiate and settle their debt. Consumer agrees to buy back his/her debt at 40% and pay related fees subject to the terms and conditions of his/her Debtor Restructure Agreement (payments of program term). This process is done through a 3rd party debt buyer who desire to buy the debt off people (like you) who are dedicated and looking for immediate relief; not a promise to relief in several years. Based on these immediate reliefs our client retention is greater and Affiliates have less chances of loss; having greater gains with client's completion of our program.
The-Attorney-Network, works aggressively to get our 3rd party debt buyers to purchase the consumers debt once enrolled into program. This allowing the creditor to get satisfied and the consumer the ability regain and re- establish their credit in half the time it would take for a traditional debt settlement program.
Legal Protection
We protect the consumer against summons and we deny creditors quick and easy judgments. This decreases the chance of the consumer receiving a summons and increases the likelihood of debt restructure.
Debt Restructure vs. Debt Settlement
"Debt Settlement" is the "negotiation" with a creditor on behalf of a debtor to settle unsecured debt.
"Debt Restructure" is the "alteration" of the original debt through change of debt ownership (changing creditors), and/or through the change of the price, terms, and conditions of the original debt.
"Debt Restructure" is our approach. It is the solution. In technical, legal FTC-compliant terms: "debt settlement" is the "negotiation" of a debt settlement, whereas "debt restructure" is the "alteration" of original debt through either change of creditor or change of debt terms and conditions.
The-Attorney-Network, would like to offer Consumers and Affiliates a "Debt Restructure Program" that provides consumers immediate relief of their unsecured debt, provide legal defense, and 24/7 customer service for both parties. Our Affiliates have shown closing rates of 1/3 more gains and retention rates have also improved drastically with more satisfied clients being able to re-establish credit in half the time than debt settlement. For every 5 sales we do our Affiliates are getting 6 or 7 now! This representing revenue improvements 60-70%.
For more information feel free to contact us at:
[email protected] or Toll Free (877) 978-ATTY (2889).
Toll Free (877) 978-ATTY (2889)
Direct (978)706-0030
Fax (877) 225-2061
Attn: Marc
[email protected]
Tags: Attorney Debt Settlement, debt relief, Debt Restructure