The Bake Divides Aids Baking Production
Online, June 19, 2014 ( - The Bake Divides is a line of inserts that are designed to divide baking pans into sections, making the cooking of multiple food items in one pan possible. The Bake Divides would facilitate baking production, allowing avid bakers to prepare multiple products in roughly half the time. Also The Bake Divides would save valuable storage space in the kitchen, freeing limited cabinet room for other necessary items such as dishes, and cleaning supplies.
Each Bake Divide would be manufactured from heat resistant plastic or aluminum, and would be available for all baking pan configurations, such as a large oval roaster, a loaf dish, or a fluted cake pan just to name a few. The Bake Divides size offerings could be limitless. Whether one is preparing meals for a large group or just a few individuals the Bake Divide enables baking in fewer ovens—subsequently means hotter food on the table.
The Patent Pending Bake Divides was invented by Deborah Riddy of New York, NY who said,"I wanted to provide both household and professional cooks with a simple, affordable means of preparing multiple baked goods in less time, and with fewer pans.The Bake Divides works perfectly for all users!"
EDITOR'S NOTE: Development of this product is being handled by Invention Resource International. For more information about licensing or sale, contact the Licensing Department at Invention Resource International, 11661 Hwy 707, 1st Floor, Murrells Inlet, SC 29576.
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Tags: baking, chefs, cooking, Housewares, pots & pans