The Best Movie Trilogies Reviewed

The movie trilogy is a good way to convert a mega story or script to the celluloid version. But it needs some proper efforts on the part of the filmmakers to come out with a successful trilogy.

There have been many reasons for trilogies being produced. One of them and the most important are the appreciation and craze and the mania for a certain movie by the audience. After all, it is the audience for whom a movie is made. The best movie trilogies can vary from person to person as 'best' is a subjective term. However, here we are listing some examples of the trilogies that have really rocked.

If you were to make a list of movie trilogies, it would never be complete without the mention of the Godfather trilogy. Arguably, the Godfather trilogy can be considered as one of the best to be ever produced in the history of cinema. The first two versions were greatly appreciated and were no less than an obsession. But many consider the third flick to be comparatively on the weaker side. However, the first two versions itself did the job and the third one floated. But still it is worth seeing for those who like to see the mafia films.

Another memorable trilogy came in the form of the Star Wars by Luke Skywalker. The 1970s and the 80s saw some of the best ever examples of artwork in the form of 'The Empire Strikes Back' and 'Return Of The Jedi'. Even after more than 30 years, the flicks are still adored equally respectably. Time too could not heal the excitement, and for once, proved to be a helpless healer.

The 'Dollars' trilogy is also worth mentioning in this list. 'Firstful Of Dollars', 'For a Few Dollars More' and 'The Good, The Bad & The Ugly' are some of the memorable films in the trilogy.

What is a list of movie trilogies without the mention of Indiana Jones ? 'The Temple Of Doom' and 'Raiders Of The Lost Ark' are two such films in the series that would make you sweat while deciding as to which is the better of the two.

One more trilogy that must be mentioned in this list is the 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy. It won't be a bit of an exaggeration to say that, it is one of the best trilogies of all time, an epic trilogy for sure. It should be admitted that Peter Jackson did an excellent job for the superfine special effects. Hats off to Peter Jackson, for taking us to the World of Fantasy, courtesy Tolkien.

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Tags: box collection reviews, movie reviews, Movies, packs, ratings, trilogies

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