The Center for Association Resources Builds Client Base through Trust

Unique client leadership style helps build long-term relationships and contribute to company growth.

Chicago, IL -- The Center for Association Resources, an Illinois-based association management firm for the non-profit sector, has established a growing client base in recent months, despite the current economic environment. The firm is attributing its success to a "leadership through trust" management style implemented by its leadership and key personnel.

"We are forming great relationships throughout the various industries that our organization works in," said Robert O. Patterson JD, CEO for The Center for Association Resources.

"And when people trust you, they become your client, which is helping to fuel our recent growth," Patterson added.

As non-profit organizations seek to operate more efficiently and effectively, The Center for Association Resources is able to offer a wide range of association management solutions, which include board of directors training, event management, fundraising, business planning and executive development.

The Center for Association Resources works across a wide range of industry verticals and disciplines, which include the healthcare, legal and scientific industries.

The implementation of trust-building relationships has enabled The Center for Association Resources to grow in each of these markets, with the intention to penetrate other key markets in the near future.

"Trust is about relationships," said a Center for Association Resources client. "I will trust you if I believe that you're in this for the long haul and that you're not just trying to maximize your own short-term benefits from our interactions."

He concluded, "The Center for Association Resources has been able to show time and time again that they value long-term relationships, which is why we have been so successful in working together."

For more information, visit http// or call 1-888-705-1434.

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Tags: association management, center for association resources, healtcare, non-profit, rob patterson, robert patterson, the center for association resou

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Robert Patterson, JD
Press Contact, The Center for Association Resources
The Center for Association Resources
1901 N. Roselle Road, Suite 920
Schaumburg, IL 60195