The Center for Digestive Medicine Explains the Benefits of Colonoscopies

According to the Center for Digestive Medicine, colonoscopies are one of the most effective preventative measures against contracting colon cancer. Recent studies have indicated that colon screenings can prevent colorectal cancers that are located within the colon – not just those easiest to reach with an imaging scope.

Experts say these findings should be reassuring for patients – a colonoscopy can save lives by detecting and removing cancerous polyps throughout the colon before they become malignant

Some Polyps May Be More Difficult to Locate

Globally, over a million people are diagnosed yearly with colorectal cancer, and approximately 500,000 people die of it.

A colonoscopy procedure uses a flexible fiber optic scope with a video camera, which is threaded through the large intestine to search for and remove polyps before they become malignant. The colonoscopy is a popular procedure in both the U.S. and Europe.

In a newly published study from the German Cancer Research Center, the colonoscopy histories of 1,700 colorectal patients living in southwest Germany were compared with 1,900 people without cancer matched for age, sex and place of residence.

Participants in the study where asked whether they had had a colonoscopy during the previous 10 years and patient medical records were scrutinized.

According to the study, “After taking into account known colorectal cancer risk factors, colon cancer screening within the previous decade was associated with a 77% overall reduction in colorectal cancer risk.

The risk reduction was 84% and 56%, respectively, for left-sided and right-sided cancers. In patients younger than age 60, however, screening was associated with a 26% reduction in risk in right-sided cancer, which was not statistically significant.

The reduction in risk was seen for all cancer stages and for both men and women.” – Web M.D.

Important Questions for Patients to Ask

In the United States, the general recommendation is for individuals over the age of 50 to begin screening for colon cancer. In order for patients to determine the quality of their colonoscopy, they should ask the following two questions:

·       “What is the polyp detection rate of the practitioner performing the colonoscopy?”

·       “Can I see the documentation that my colonoscopy will cover my entire colon?”

According to Douglas K. Rex, MD, and professor of medicine at Indiana University School of Medicine, “Polyps occur in about 25% of men and 15% of women aged 50 and over who have the exam. A rate much lower than this may indicate a less than thorough examiner. Patients can help make colonoscopy better by demanding evidence that the doctor performing the exam has followed these quality measures.”

If you need help with your bowel movements or need to seek expert advice. The Center for Digestive Medicine expertise can help heal your digestive issues. You may need a colonoscopy Miami, an endoscopy Miami, or a colon exam to properly diagnose your digestive issues. Call  (305) 273-6266 or contact us here to learn how we can improve your quality of life from the best gastroenterologists in Miami.

Source: The Center for Digestive Medicine


Tags: colon cancer, colon cancer screening, diet, gastroenterology, nutrition, regularity