The CEO Interview: Liam O'Kelly, Airspeed Telecom

The uncontended symmetrical service we introduced last year - which offers from 2 Mbps to 6 Mbps - is a good cost effective alternative for these regional offices, and alongside that we are now offering other services, including voice.

Q In spite of a general economic downturn, AirSpeed Telecom's customer base continued to grow in 2011 and into 2012. What do you attribute this to?
Over the last few years we've built up a good reputation - not just for guaranteeing quality, uptime and offering cost savings, but for our ability to deliver multi-site connectivity to customers to render the service regarding the Broadband for business. We're connecting multiple sites together for customers, providing high-capacity at some sites and lower capacity at others.
We have a lot of customers who have regional offices with DSL-type connections offered by Wireless network, and they're now looking to go beyond DSL. The uncontended symmetrical service we introduced last year - which offers from 2 Mbps to 6 Mbps - is a good cost effective alternative for these regional offices, and alongside that we are now offering other services, including voice.
Q You've invested in establishing a fibre rings in Dublin - why?
Customer demand for bandwidth just grows and grows with the wireless network. There is a trend for much higher capacity access connections using licensed radio technology. We're connecting our sites to fibre so that we can backhaul this increased capacity. Right now we're delivering 500 Mbps and 1 Gigabit per second services to customers, and it's our investment in the fibre at high sites that allows us to do that. I think we're pretty unique in doing that today.
We're also using the fibre to deliver multiple access connections for customers. For example, our solution for the Legal Aid Board (a new contract we won last year) was to supply a mix of fibre and radio technologies. So we can now offer our customers a broad range of options? We're using licensed wireless, but we're also using fibre where appropriate.
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Tags: broadband, Business Broadband, Inte, Internet, Internet providers, virtual private network, VPN, Wireless broadband, wireless internet, wireless network

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