The Choose Income System: The Real Deal When It Comes to Internet Marketing Income Courses
Online, November 6, 2011 ( - The Choose Income System - The Real Deal When it Comes to Internet Income Courses, teaches newbies how to earn a realistic $500 a Day with internet marketing.
See the Choose Income System in Action
Oh my, another offer that promises a seemingly realistic way to make money online. Yes, we have heard all that before. Is it the real thing? That is the question that our most loyal readers, those who have heard of this latest Internet marketing offer, ask us. And like the good boys that we are, we did the research and investigated the offer to see if it can really deliver what it promises. Talk about public service.
Now before we go on with the naked truth about the Choose Income system, we would like to rant for a bit. Yes, rant! For the past year, we have reviewed over a hundred different Internet marketing offers that proclaimed and boasted that their method or software is the next big thing in the industry, that people who buy and implement whatever they are selling will earn thousands upon thousands of dollars overnight. And based on our experience, we have found that around 98% of them are pure crap. Some are just rehashed methods and strategies from formerly successful offers sold as eBooks that no longer work. Rip offs if you ask us. Others are poorly programmed software that fails to deliver even a hint of success. And, most are just scams, posing as valuable secrets but are really nothing more than junk packaged with a nice, shiny bow. It is really amazing what people will do for a quick buck.
Now, you may argue that many of these offers do have some kind of money-back guarantee. While some do honor that promise, a vast majority do not, leaving the lowly and jobless high and dry. Anyway, we are sick of tired of these offers and to those greedy opportunists who plan to continue on this way, may the fleas of a thousand camels find their way onto your crotch, seriously.
After all that ranting, it is refreshing to see that some offers do deliver. Some offers are the real thing. The Choose Income system is definitely one of them. When it first came out, we wrote its proponents, Cindy Battye and Hana SK, to ask if there was a chance we could get a complimentary copy of their Choose Income system for this review. Being the helpful and honest people we thought they were, they sent us everything we needed straightaway. Of course, we did tell them that our reviews are blunt and honest just to prepare them for a shocker. I guess that wasn't a problem with them. However, they did ask us to hold off divulging each and every detail of the program they are offering so as not to disturb their marketing campaign. Obviously, we found that a bit weird until we saw how much they were actually selling the system, $49.95. Compared to the other crap-tastic offers I have ranted about previously, $49.95 is dirt cheap. We have seen offers with absolutely no value at all being offered a hundred times more than that.
So, anyway, we got our free copy of the Choose Income system and we were absolutely blown away by it. This particular system, that shows you how to make $500 a day with as little effort as possible, really makes a lot of sense since it is composed of ingenious online marketing techniques and strategies that we have never encountered before. The system teaches you how to build an email list without a website. It teaches you how to get free targeted traffic through very simple ways that you would never have thought possible. And, it teaches you how to make your entire venture go viral, even if you don't have a website up and running. The system teaches you everything you need to know without all the trimmings - only the naked truth.
Does the offer have a money-back guarantee? Yes, it does - good for 60 days. However, we don't think you will need it because once you read the initial guide you will be able to download once you are in, you'll see what we mean. Anyhow, we tried the system for two weeks and we did make roughly about $120 a day by the 5th day. A far cry from the $500 a day they boasted of, but then again, we could have done something wrong along the way. And, we made all that even without a running website. Not bad. Not bad at all.
Our Verdict - The Choose Income system is the real thing, surprisingly. And we highly recommend that you buy into it if you are really serious about generating steady online income quickly. You won't need a lot of technical know-how to learn what the system will teach you.
The Choose Income system is a fresh and very practical take on Internet marketing, something we fail to see from all the other offers out there.
More home business and internet marketing resources available via the Home Business Advantage Ezine Back-issues.
Tags: 500 dollars a day, easy internet income, Internet Marketing Income Course, Internet marketing training, The Choose Income System