The Coolest Way To Capture All Your Friends in One Picture Mosaic
Online, October 15, 2013 ( - Now over a billion worldwide Facebook users have the chance to engage in a way that hasn't been offered before. Every user's profile picture can now be transformed into a colorful mosaic made up entirely of their friends' profile pictures.
Everyone from Oprah to Steve Jobs and Superman have had their portraits transformed using a variety of complex algorithms to perform these amazing transformations with computer technology.
Until now, the techniques used to create a picture mosaic images have drawn upon enormous stock photo banks with tens of thousands of subject related, color-coded photos. But to create a beautiful mosaic from a limited supply of photos from the average user, is a challenge indeed.
But the real magic doesn't have much to do with advanced technology. Rather, it lies in the fact that now a mosaic can be composed just from current friends. A mosaic made up of photos that are personal, not random stock photos chosen by a computer. albums can create a powerful social timeline as friends grow up and change, and when new friends are added. provides the opportunity to capture and hold a little piece of an historic friend timeline in a fast, easy interesting, and creative way.
"Think of it as the coolest time capsule ever," said Elaine Joli, co-founder of "Facebook users can now capture photos of all their friends at any given time and easily create a vibrant, colorful memories mosaic. As friends change their profile pictures, and as new friends are added, a user can change their mosaic whenever they want. It's like having a series of photo albums or a yearbook. You can look back and see everyone captured at a specific moment in time. We have added a great enlarging tool to scroll over every photo so individuals can be found within the mosaic."
To create a free and easy mosaic, visit
Under Facebook policy, is required to request permission from every user to access their Facebook profile, their friend's profiles and email. Only when permission is given on an individual basis can a mosaic be created. and/or it's representatives have no affiliation with Facebook and/or it's representatives.
Facebook is a registered Trademark of Facebook Inc.
About Us, launched in 2013, is a web-based technology company pioneering creative ways to socially interact using people pictures. The company is constantly developing new features for its innovative mosaic as well as developing new ideas in its drive towards original and unique ways to share the human bond that portraiture provides.
Tags: Facebook mosaic, mosaic, new technology, photography, picture mosaic, portraiture, selfie