College students typically switch majors three times often causing them to change colleges and extend the number of years it takes to graduate, thus increasing college tuitions up to $20,000. According to The Success Company, the correct student asse

College students typically switch majors three times often causing them to change colleges and extend the number of years it takes to graduate, thus increasing college tuitions up to $20,000. According to The Success Company, the correct student assessment identifies professions where students will be the happiest which puts them into majors and classes that engage their interest and enthusiasm thus eliminating changes in majors and colleges.

The Student Booster which is an online assessment from The Success Company points students to exciting professions that match who they are based on "Thinking Style, Behavior, Motivation and Passions." This assessment along with expert consultation helps students identify the career first, then the major that will help get them there and finally the college that offers the necessary major. This approach is totally contrary to the typical process most students use of identifying the college first, their major second and then finally their career.

The Success Company recommends that the Student Booster evaluation be done at the age of 16, even 15 for highly motivated students. Since behavior traits are basically set by the age of 16, the results from the Student Booster Assessment gives students a strategic advantage for internships and college scholarships.

Margaret used the Student Booster Assessment for all five of her children and states, "This helped us choose the right career path, major and college for each one, saving us tens of thousands of dollars since they are all graduating on schedule or have already successfully entered their profession."

Saving the expense of just one three-hour college course pays for the assessment and evaluation service, not to mention the hours, years and level of frustration and anxiety that are eliminated from the lives of students who have the advantage of having taken the Student Booster Assessment.

For more information, The Success Company's customer service department at 1-888-241-7741 or go to their website at


Tags: Behavior, correct student assessment ident, engage their interest and enthus, expert consultation, highly motivated students, identify the career first, Motivation and Passions, strategic advantage for internsh, The Student Booster, The Success Company, Thinking Style


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