The Dangers Of Texting While Driving

In the U.S. there are 280 million cellular phones in use today. Out of that we find 800,000 people are texting while driving at any given moment. Texting is quickly becoming ...

Texting while driving has reached epidemic proportions and is more widespread than many may realize. In the U.S. alone there are 280 million cellular phones in use today. Out of that we find 800,000 people are texting while driving at any given moment.

Texting is quickly becoming the primary way which people communicate. According to CTIA, texting in the first half of 2008 there were 385 billiion texts messages sent. In the first half of 2009 that figure jumped to 740 billion text messages. Needless to say that passion for texting is showing up where more people are texting while driving on the road.

Just how dangerous is texting while driving?

Car and Driver conducted research that measured a drivers distance and response time to stop travelling at 70MPH. The study showed that it took the intoxicated driver four feet more to stop compared to the sober driver. When Car and Driver examined the person who was texting while driving it took a staggering 70 feet to stop compared to the sober driver.

When a person does "Texting While Driving" they lose three critical things needed for safe driving:

1) Hands
2) Eyes and,
3) Concentration

Take away the three critical things needed for safe driving and you have and accident waiting to happen.

Penalties for General Cell Phone Use and Texting While Driving

The escalating injuries and deaths due of texting while driving has now reached the attention of law makers. We are seeing a growing list of states which are banning texting while driving along with heavy penalties from $500.00 fines to even jail time.

See list of currently banned states.

Commit To Say "NO" to Texting While Driving

Texting while driving is dangerous and it kills! Don't be responsible for the next texting accident that injures or kills another. Practice safe driving by keeping your eyes, hands, and concentration focused on the road. Encourage anyone you care about that does texting while driving to stop.

Join us in making a personal commitment to say "NO" to Texting While Driving!


Tags: ban on texting while driving, dangers of texting while driving, texting while driving

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