The Dubai Heart Centre Announces An Ownership Position in Aerros Technologies, LLC

The Dubai Heart Centre announces their acquisition of an ownership position in Aerros Technologies, LLC, a U.S. based vapor and electronic cigarette (E-cig) company.

Dr. Rajan Shanti Sadanandam, a renowned cardiologist and Chief Executive of The Dubai Heart Centre, advised; "Aerros products represent a significant technological breakthrough in the advancement of human health." Well known for a long advocacy of replacing habits that are unhealthy with ones focused on health and well-being, Dr. Sadanandam of DHC heralds that the Aerros Technologies enterprise has certain electronic cigarette product technologies that can provide a substantial reduction in tobacco related cancers and diseases, in comparison to traditional cigarettes.

Dr Sadanandam concurs with The Royal College of Physicians which advised; "Extensive experience with nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) in clinical trial and observational study settings demonstrates that medicinal nicotine is a very safe drug." The Royal College further stated; " .. if nicotine could be provided in a form that is acceptable and effective as a cigarette substitute, millions of lives could be saved." Dr. Sadanandam stressed; "The technology is here and we must embrace it. After careful review of Aerros Technologies, I am committing Dubai Heart Centre resources to Aerros' efforts." A spokesperson acknowledged that an upcoming summit between the two entities will focus on an expanded geographic foot print for Aerros Technologies' products.

Recently announced Board of Governance members are:

JD DeMatteo - Board Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, DeMatteo Industries, LLC
Rajan Sadanandam, MD - Aerros Chief Medical Officer & Director, Dubai Heart Centre
Jeffrey Horn, PE - Aerros Chief Operations Officer
Daniel DeTuccio - Aerros Chief Marketing Officer
Michael Geffrard - Aerros Investment Banker & CEO, LIATI Group, LLC New York, NY
Rod Brandstedter - Aerros Board Director
Sandra Kelsey, Esq. - Aerros General Counsel
Steve Levesque - Chief Executive Officer, MicroSpecialties, Inc.


Tags: Aerros, Dr. Rajan Sadanadam, Dubai Heart Centre, e-cig, e-cigarette, electronic cigarette, JD DeMatteo

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Dr. Rajan Sadanadam
Press Contact, Dubai Heart Centre