The Evergreen Border Energy Initiative: Bipartisan Proposal Dealing With the Mexican-USA Border Wall and DACA

White Paper From Advanced Warning Systems Consortium Now Available for Download

Last year, Advanced Warning Systems LLC began submitting bids on the border wall but soon learned that in order to build the wall, bipartisan support would be needed to fund it.

So, we took a different approach, due to the nature of our company to build unique products. We then proceeded to garner support from major U.S. contractors that wanted to join our consortium to build the security system on the border. The Evergreen Border Energy Initiative will be funded without public money and therefore American taxpayers will not carry the burden of past large-scale infrastructure. The initiative also provides a solution to the current argument about the status of DACA recipients.

Click here to download The Evergreen Border Energy Initiative White Paper


The Evergreen Border Energy Initiative is seen as a potential bipartisan infrastructure initiative that would address not only the concerns of the disparate interests of the homeland security and green power proponents, but also as a joint United States/Mexico infrastructure project that would benefit everyday people on both sides of the border. Once completed, the Evergreen Border Energy Initiative will be the largest renewable energy infrastructure project ever completed on the planet, providing green power and or water access to millions of people and thousands of businesses in the Southwest. Equally important, as a true public/private partnership between the Advanced Warning Systems consortium (AWS), which includes some of the largest leaders in the construction, solar power, water and security industries, and the government of the United States (with continuous consultation with the government of Mexico), this entire project will be paid exclusively with private funds. This will ensure, with total certainty, that the taxpayers of the United States will never be asked to carry the burden of completing such an immense, yet necessary, project.

For further information, please contact Lynnwood Farr, CEO, through email at or by phone at (844) 778-7070 or direct by cell phone at 011-4179-230-2104.

For more information, please visit

Source: Advanced Warning Systems LLC


Tags: border wall, DACA, Mexico USA border, The Evergreen Border Energy Initiative, wall

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Advanced Warning Systems LLC
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