"The Fan-Tastic": A Line Of Interchangeable Ceiling Fan Blades

"The Fan-Tastic" allows user to snap fan blades onto or off the appliance without tools.

A breeze can provide a wonderful feeling of freedom and, yet when that breeze comes from a fan it can be a little less enjoyable, particularly if the blades are dirty. The Fan-Tastic, on the other hand, is a line of interchangeable ceiling fan blades that are snapped and unsnapped onto a master fixture without the use of screws or tools and provides a ceiling fan assembly that facilitates easy cleaning as well as variety of distinctive and decorative styles. Fan-Tastic allows a homeowner to remove the blades individually, cleaning the blades outside the house and thus not contaminate the room where the fan is located by spreading dirt and debris during the cleaning process. Fan-Tastic also has numerous styles allowing the homeowner to change the blades with the seasons or upon decorative preferences.

Fan-Tastic consists of two parts, the base attachment and the companion fin or blade. The former is offered in a universal knuckle that shapes onto the fan motor casing at the distal end. At the proximal end a selection of grooved indentations are provided to accommodate a matching number of raised magnets of each blade. The blades are produced in a range of sizes, shapes and materials similar to those currently in the marketplace. Televised test marketing has been completed indicating exceptional consumer interest in Fan-Tastic.

The Patent Pending Fan-Tastic was invented by Alfred Palacios of Richmond, TXwho said, “Some of the design and color combinations are patterned with mesh, lattice or floral, polka dot and sports-related prints. Various materials such as washed oak, walnut and utilitarian white or black vinyl are also available. Fan-Tastic not only looks good, it makes for easier cleaning and environment of a home. ”

For More Information, Click HERE

EDITOR’S NOTE: Development of this product is being handled by Invents Company. For more information about licensing or sale, contact the Licensing Department at Invents Company, 450 7th Avenue, Suite #1107 New York, NY 10123. Tel: 212-620-2629

INVENTS Company — 450 7th Avenue, Suite #1107 — New York, NY 10123 www.invents.com

Contact: Jeanne Nelson   Media Dept: 7620   Tel: (212) 620-2629   [email protected]


Tags: Home Decor, Invents Company, The Fan-Tastic

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