The Feature Film Documentary "The Tax Man"

The film, "The Tax Man" is currently in production and will be filmed across Canada. The production crew started off in Victoria and is continuing to organize the interviews for those interested in appearing in the film.

Feature Film " The Tax Man" Michael Moore style Documentary Exposing the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) produced by Ian Jamieson

If you are interested in appearing in this feature film documentary you may e-mail Ian Jamieson, [email protected] or phone: 780-443-2301

Ian Jamieson, producer of "The Tax Man" says that they have been overwhelmed by the large number of horror stories of taxpayer abuse by the Canada Revenue Agency from all across Canada. There are a lot of people who are terrified of appearing because of fear of reprisals. However, there are many more, who are saying enough is enough and they are going to appear in the film. The Tax Man will be exhibited to millions of Canadians across the country.

The film, "The Tax Man" is an opportunity for people to speak their minds about how they feel about taxpayer abuse by the CRA. This film will be seen by millions of people around the world over many years. The Tax Man provides a unique and valuable opportunity to get a message across to the public and the politicians about the reality of taxpayer abuse by the Canada Revenue Agency and it's devastating human costs.

Ian Jamieson, the producer of "The Tax Man" invites potential class representatives in the Landmark Proposed Class Action Lawsuit Against the CRA and the Minister of National Revenue or anyone else who may be interested in telling their story of abuse by the CRA to contact him.

The film, "The Tax Man" is currently in production and will be filmed across Canada. The production crew started off in Victoria and is continuing to organize the interviews for those interested in appearing in the film. The production was in Victoria in front of the Legislature on Oct.17, 18 for the start of filming of taxpayers and lawyers.

No financing for this film comes from any government agency, directly or indirectly. " The Tax Man " is a feature length film and is expected to be approximately 120 minutes running time. The film " The TaxMan" is planned to be ready for the festival circuit, Cannes, Sundance, MIP, TIFF and numerous other festivals as of April and May of next year. The release of the film in theaters will probably be closer to Christmas 2010. There will be a simultaneous release of the DVD version. The film will be distributed world wide.

If you are interested in participating in the Landmark Proposed Class Action Against the Canada Revenue Agency and the Minister of National Revenue contact [email protected]


Tags: abuse of power, [email protected], taxpayer abuse by the CRA, The feature film TheTax Man

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Valerie Hall
Press Contact, Canadian Taxpayers Fight Back