The Fusion of Wellness and Medicine - Global Health Resource Launches New Treatment Concept

Innovative and hollistic treatment concept provides new solutions for people with chronic syndroms.

Executives, high achieving professionals, musicians, actors, lawyers, pilots, brokers - all of them have one thing in common: They, more often than not, live and work beyond their limits. The challenges and stresses of an intense career often force us to burn the candle at both ends, depleting our body of strength and vitality. Our body is a complex system of chemical, mechanical, and physiological processes that all have to function in harmony. Mineral depletion, acidity, lack of rest, physical and emotional stress can throw these systems into disarray. The result: Burn out, chronic fatigue, chronic pain and chronic illness. Often, these complaints are just small, but enough to affect our productivity and reduce our enjoyment of life.

Most patients are aware that their lifestyle is the root cause for their bad health. The high demands of making a living and surviving in their business though give them little scope to change this way of life.
This group of patients does not fit into the conventional health system. On the one hand it is argued that it is not the purpose of a health insurance to consume the already depleted cash reserves for patients who ultimately cause their own illness. On the other hand, argues the patient, he can´t quit his job and his profession and thus give up his livelihood. The system requires change, but in reality, this is not feasible.

The approach of the Infusio developers: If we can´t change the cause of the symptoms, adapt the concept of treating these symptoms.

The Infusio concept focuses completely on the client and his needs. A relaxing atmosphere and personal attention characterize the feel of the treatment centers. The client will be received as a welcome visitor and not treated as 'just another patient'. No appointments, but a visiting times are issued. When the client arrives, he will find that he is most probably the only guest in the center. This way he can enjoy the undivided attention. The time is reserved exclusively for one client. In general, two to three hours are scheduled so that he can take his time to relax and enjoy this medical "spa" experience.

The Infusio concept stands for the use of diverse treatment modules to provide the client with a holistic approach to the relief of his symptoms. This holistic therapy approach consists of vitalizing infusions of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements as well as body work, massage, aromatherapy, osteopathy sessions and herbal treatments. The therapist will review the client´s main complaints and will, together with the client, explore the possible causes and solutions for his situation. After which an individual, holistic treatment plan, tailored to the client's needs, will be prepared, using a selection of the Infusio treatment modules.

Global Health Resource recently opened up its first Infusio clinic in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The product Infusio represents the Global Health Resource philosophy - "Experience health!" through a treatment concept for well-being and wellness experience. Through this concept, Global Health Resource reaches to people who are open to new innovations, tired of the conservative medical approach, and are on the outlook for a tailor-made treatment concept that fits their needs. For more information, please visit the website:


Tags: CFS, chronic diseases, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, holistic, lower back pain, Lymes Disease, Sleeping Disorder, Tinnitus

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Daniel Beyer
Press Contact, Global Health Resource