The Global Product Management Talk On Product Management And The Sales Force

Jock Busuttil, Senior Product Manager, Experian, London, Leads Twitter Discussion On The Pivotal Role Product Management Plays In Supporting Effective Sales Teams

Product management must develop good relationships with all internal stakeholders - marketing, engineering, finance - and sales is often forgotten about since they may be spread out across the country or world.

Jock Busuttil, Senior Product Manager, insists that product managers must conscientiously develop an effective relationship with sales in order to create a better product. Only by guaranteeing that the product gets the proper attention it deserves from salespeople, will the product - and ultimately the product manager - become more successful.

Each week, The Global Product Management Talk features an expert guest speaker who raises questions to stimulate the twitter discussion in response to questions pre-posted on Facebook.

Jock Busuttil has over ten years' experience working for B2B software start-ups and multi-nationals, the majority of which has been in the role of a product manager or product marketer. He has a keen interest in product usability. He is based in London and holds a degree in Classics from the University of Cambridge, UK. (The views expressed by Jock are his own and do not reflect those of his employer.)

Busuttil will be "speaking" at the weekly Global Product Management Talk Twitter event on Monday, July 25, 2011 at 4:00 PM Pacific Time, which will be Tuesday, July 26 at 10:00 AM Australian Time.

"Wherever you live in the world, working with a sales team can be frustrating and rewarding in equal measures," explains Busuttil. "In the end, the sales team's effectiveness is a reflection of how well we product managers and product marketers have engaged with them. I'm looking forward to sharing a lively discussion and the odd anecdote with my colleagues from around the world during The Global Product Management Talk on Twitter on how we can achieve the best results from Sales."

Tweet traveled 7400 miles

The Global Product Management Talk was conceived by Cindy F. Solomon, a San Francisco Bay Area certified product manager who produces virtual events to engage knowledge communities and embraced by Adrienne Tan, founder of brainmates, an Australian product management company, to bring international product managers together with experts in the field.

The Global Product Management Talk on Twitter, since its inception in February 2011, has had a clear focus on addressing the needs of international hi-tech professionals within product management, product marketing and related professional domains. It is the largest twitter chat with this focus in the world. Weekly up to 50 product people are engaged live during the discussion, with re-tweets occurring for days and weeks following.

Weekly, Solomon curates the guest speakers, identifies the Twitter talk focus and posts questions to ponder, inviting participation via social media. The speaker is invited to join a Skype conference call during the event to discuss twitter comments, although active participation is taking place digitally within the twitter stream. After the event, the transcript is made available and participants are encouraged to expand upon their statements and insights by blogging to continue the conversation. All of the content from the event is packaged into an eBook to further extend the value and reach of the subject matter.

About ProdMgmtTalk:
The Global Product Management Talk brings international product managers together with experts in the field weekly in a twitter chat format on Mondays, 4:00 - 5:00 PM PT Co-hosted by Cindy F. Solomon and Adrienne Tan, who interview a Product Management evangelist that leads the discussion about a particular topic. The Product Management expert tweets answers to pre-posted questions during the hour, while everyone chimes in on the tweet stream. After the event, the transcript is made available and participants are encouraged to expand upon their statements and insights by blogging to continue the conversation.

About Jock Busuttil

Jock has over ten years' experience working for B2B software start-ups and multi-nationals, the majority of which as a product manager or product marketer. He has a keen interest in product usability. Outside of work, Jock is into cooking, aikido, music and skiing. He is based in London and holds a degree in Classics from the University of Cambridge, UK.

The views expressed by Jock are his own and do not reflect those of his employer.

Email: twitter at
Twitter: @jockbu

About brainmates:
Founded by Adrienne Tan and Nick Coster in 2004, the two devised a mission to help companies understand their customers' needs and develop innovative products that their customers love. With over 20 years of Product Management experience, they lead a dedicated team of Product Managers who are committed to providing services to clients to do just that.
brainmates - product management people
suite 906, level 9
84 Pitt street
Sydney nsw 2000

About Cindy F. Solomon:
Cindy F. Solomon has held tech marketing management positions with Apple, Vadem, NetObjects and several start-ups. Cindy is a Certified Product Manager and Certified Product Marketing Manager who provides soup to nuts product marketing strategy and social media implementation.
Cindy F. Solomon
[email protected]

San Francisco Product Talks

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Global Product Management Talk weekly Twitter chat Mondays 4-5 PM PDT Thought leader answers questions preposted on Facebook. Follow @prodmgmttalk Use #ProdMgmtTalk to show up in discussion. http://www.prodmgmttalk

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Tags: Development, innovation, management, marketing, product managers, social media, Software, startups, web

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Press Contact, Global Product Management Talk
Global Product Management Talk
401 Cornell Ave
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