The Great American Apparel Diet, Women Commit to Collectively Abstain from Apparel Purchases for One Year

A group of women from across the country and the UK and Canada, commit to collectively abstain from apparel purchases for one year.

Seattle-It's no secret that in these hard economic times people have been creative about how to approach their "post bull market" lives. In Seattle a group of women have launched The Great American Apparel Diet-an online community that demands abstaining from apparel purchases for one year. Members are blogging about their experiences, trading ideas on how to get creative with their existing closets and setting up clothing swaps. One Seattle member shipped a box of items she no longer wears to a participant in Texas.

While the group began with eight women in Seattle it has now grown to over 30 participants and hails from Seattle, California, Texas, Ohio, Florida, Canada and the U.K. "We hit a nerve," says Sally Bjornsen, the diet's creator. "I guess there are lots of us out there that have come to realize that we have enough to wear right in our own closets. The pressure to buy comes from the culture. I wanted to see what life would be like if I didn't buy something new every time I felt the urge."

The group of women is made up of mostly upper middle class moms, career women and writers. Demographically, the majority of participants are in their 30s or 40s with a few in their 20s and 50s. The bloggers share a community that is filled with humor, wit and sound advice. Weekly polls on the blog ask questions such as "If you could shop anywhere today where would it be." Or "If you could buy one item of apparel this afternoon what would it be." Members share their thoughts on books, social movements, culture and their struggles with keeping their money in their wallets.

The diet officially began on September 1st, 2009 but participants have been jumping on board throughout the past two months. Bjornsen says enrollment closes on Dec. 31, 2009. "Bottom line, no matter when you join the diet ends on August 31st, 2010."


Tags: economy, fashion, recession

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Sarah Faber
Press Contact, The Great American Apparel Diet
The Great American Apparel Diet
1000 N. Northlake Way
Seattle, WA 98103