The Latest Thriller From John Reinhard Dizon - Destroyer (Abaddon) - Out Now At Amazon & All Good Bookstores!

Richard McCain is a retired Special Forces operative whose underground activities during the Tribulation Era of American history places him on the FBI's Most Wanted list as the mysterious Destroyer.

Richard Mc Cain is a retired Special Forces operative whose underground activities during the Tribulation Era of American history places him on the FBI's Most Wanted list as the mysterious Destroyer. He is called upon by his ex-wife to rescue her sister from the tragedy of a "dirty bomb" terrorist strike in Mexico City. In doing so, he is forced to rely upon the Angel Train network of Christian activists spread across the country. The network, a major target of Homeland Security, absorbs the full force of the agency's technological arsenal as no effort is spared to seek and destroy Mc Cain. In a series of supernatural events, Mc Cain realizes that there are even greater forces at play threatening his life and that of the beautiful Isabel. It seems that only a miracle can save him, and at last he finds the answer to the ultimate question: is God truly in control?

What makes Destroyer unique is the fact there is no Antichrist, no Beast or False Prophet. Rather, we find the Anniversary Attack of 9/11 resulting in a third-party Administration amending the Constitution to `forever separate Church and State'. The Organized Religion Act and the Hate Crime Act effectively ban all forms of proselytization in America and end all tax breaks for offenders. Churches, synagogues and mosques across the country are forced to close as a result. A `dirty bomb' attack in Mexico City creates a flood of refugees from across the border, causing the standardization of the Verichip as a foolproof method of identification for citizens throughout the country. The damage done by the terrorist attacks creates an economic recession sending millions into unemployment. The entire planet sees the War on Terror and the end of crime and lawlessness as a `final solution' to economic disaster and the prelude to world peace.

Enter Richard Mc Cain, an itinerant preacher turned vigilante who goes by the name of the Destroyer. His ex-wife contacts him in an effort to rescue her sister, an illegal immigrant trapped in the exodus from Mexico City. Mc Cain employs the services of the Angel Train, a transportation network devised by underground Christians operating under the auspices of the World Christian Society. Unknown to him, his movements are being traced by Homeland Security in an effort to bring him to trial before an international tribunal. Supernatural events underscore the spiritual war raging beneath the surface, and when Mc Cain is finally arrested and put through the ordeal, it takes a miracle from God to deliver him from evil.

The ethnic flavor of Destroyer adds to its uniqueness. Mc Cain's wife Agnes, her sister Isabel, and her children Sandra and Felipe are native Colombians who are deeply rooted in their culture. His connections in NYC are largely Puerto Rican, and result in a hit team from the Caribbean being called against him to speed his demise. His flight through Texas exposes him to the Mexican Mafia, called upon by other gangs to expedite his demolition. The scenarios are authentic and augment the taste of Americana found throughout Mc Cain's flight across the Heartland.

The gradual immersion of the USA into the darkness of the Tribulation gives us all food for thought. We can see how civil liberties are sacrificed for the security and protection of the many, and how global solidarity becomes the new imperative in a world effort for peace and stability. Suddenly the Verichip allows us all to become citizens of a world community, and religious fervor is eclipsed by a sense of international inclusivity that holds secular humanism as the greatest good. The newspapers and tabloids are slowly reflecting the prophecies of Scripture that will eventually bring us to the doorstep of the Tribulation. Hopefully books like Destroyer will help us delay the process, at least in our lifetimes.

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Tags: abaddon destroyer, John Dizon, latest thrillers, New Books, tenth street books

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