The Life Away From It All - City Vs. Coastline

Ambergris Caye, Belize, April 30, 2015 ( - The caribbean area seems to be a great place to visit. The Central and North American Coastline does appear to be a very nice place and some people even compare it to heaven but life is not always a bed of roses.
An investment in real estate and property seems to a good proposal at all times. Nevertheless there is no such place where the investment can be without hassles. The coastal areas have some amount of differences with the city life that is filled with action. Here it is far more calm and quiet.
Some of the differences between the caribbean coastline and the city life are that:
Ø The coastline near the caribbean region sometimes gets occasional visits by mosquitoes, bugs and other insects during evening time. This is because of the trees that surround the area. As nobody likes to get bugged in their lives a simple lotion and other replants are good enough to prevent the insects from bothering a person.
Ø The weather here is warm and humid. For people who have lungs problem or other breathing ailments, it is best to avoid any cold weather.
Ø Many pets. There are a few dogs and birds around, so if a person likes to feed the pets it would be a nice way to pass time.
Ø A calm and quiet island life. The island is a very nice place to visit. There is not much noise from the speakers on the roads, or the buzzing traffic. For a change, a person would actually get some peace of mind and get to hear his inner voice.
Ø A nice cool breeze, and a romantic rainfall. There is moderate rainfall on regular basis. This turnout out to be an instant relief if the temperature is rising. Thus, there is a balance that is regularly kept.
Ø Lots of visitors. There would be plenty of people who come to visit the place. Thus the mood of the town is always jovial. Also, in case there is someone who is irritating, it would not be a problem because he would be soon gone after his visit.
Ø Lots of open space- The place is not congested by the shops and supermarkets all around. There are trees and the large seas everywhere.
Here one can get in touch with nature. Staying in the caribbean would perhaps be like a lifetime of peace and party.
Tags: caribbean, city life, island life, vacation