The Lightness of Being Becomes More Valuable

The best wines of the Burgundy wine region, are going to develop into drinkable gold. Some wines of Domaine Romanee Conti are already worth, their weight in gold.

The ounce of gold (ca. 31 gram ) costs around the $ 1200 at the moment.
Therefore cost 750 grams of gold about $ 30,000.
Domaine de la Romanee Conti, Romanee Conti, 750ml, 1945 has a minimum value of $ 32,000 today. The vintages 1919,1934,1945,1969 and 2005 have a higher value the $ 12000.
The wines of the dead burgundy wine pope "Henry Jayer" had a increase in value of more then 2000% in the last 10 years. But with a wine value between $ 6000 - 8000 is comparatively cheap.
Armand Rousseau, Domaine Leroy, Georges Roumier, Domaine D'Auvenay, Coche Dury and many more wineries crossed the boarder of $ 1000  for their top-wines a long time ago.
Everybody knows, a bottle of Chateau Petrus or the most vintages of Chateau D'Yquem are not going to get for less then $1000.
The vintages 1945,1961,1982,1990,2000 and 2005 passed the $ 3000 limit easily.
The most expensive wine today, in a 750ml bottle, is a vintage 1784 of Chateau D'Yquem, with a minimum value of $ 50000.
In the USA many wines arrived in the same high end region.
"Screaming Eagle", "Dalla Valle", "Harlan Estate" or the wines form the austrian emigrants Elaine & Manfred Krankl "Sine Qua Non" are just as valuable and in demand as Chateau Petrus, D'Yquem, Romanee Conti or Henry Jayer.
"Queen of Hearts" from Sine Qua Non is so popular and rare, that wine lovers or wine investors will pay more the $ 25000 for a 750ml bottle.
Currently, the most expensive bottle in the world is a legend.
"1947 Cheval Blanc" in a imperial, was sold in 2010 at Christie's in Geneve, for more then $ 200000 and was never seen in the market again.
So we think the value is much more higher today.
A jeroboam (5000ml) of the same legend was sold for $ 175000 and a Marie-Jeanne ( 2250ml ) reached a wine auction price of $ 85000.
The top-wine of the Domaine Romanee Conti, also called the "Romanee Conti" vintage 1990 in a imperial (6000ml) got a minimum value of $ 120000.
Somebody who is looking for a save and performing investment in the time of nearly zero interests, should have a look to the wine-stocks database, with a lot of usefull
features and the largest wine price database for wine auction prices in the world. Wine indices from all big wine regions, gives you a fast overview about the topics.
A performance of 8 -14% in average since 1996 could arouse your interest.
In the last 4 year the wines of the important wine region of Bordeaux haven't performed very well.
The vintages 2005 and 2009 were much to high rated and many
wine lovers and investors lost money.
After a long decrease in value, the analysts from Wine-Stocks again see new potential, if you are interested in a 3-5 year strategie.


Tags: forecasts, investment wine, wine auctions, wine cellar, wine forecasts, wine index, wine investment, wine prices, wine value

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