The Million Euro Homepage - 18 year old student will be a millionaire ?
Marc Mayr tries to sell 1 million pixels for 1 euro each which will be 1 million euro in total
Online, November 4, 2009 (
Radolfzell, 5. november 2009:
Marc Mayr a 18 year old student and entrepreneur is the owner of "The Million Euro Homepage" ( ). The idea is simple, he offers 1 million pixels for a price of 1 euro each. Once the pixels are bought they can be used to place a banner/image/ad on the purchased pixels. Marc Mayr says: "The pixels you buy will be displayed on the homepage permanently. The homepage will not change anything without permission of the customer. The site will be online for 5 years guaranteed (at least until 1st Januar 2014), however the aim is to keep the site online forever". 10 days after the start of this website 1800 pixels got sold and the daily average of unique visitors is above 400. If the site goes on like that there won't be a problem to reach the goal of 1 million sold pixels.
It will be exciting to watch how the pixel sells are going over the next months and who will buy what amount of pixels and where the customers place them
Tags: advertising, euro, homepage, Million, pixel